I`am Martin Dymenstein, i have 15+ years of experience in develop and designing software, mostly on backend ecosystem. I was born in Uruguay and i graduate as System Engineer from Universidad ORT Uruguay. Actually i live in Brazil where i work as a Java Tech Leader and Software Architect.
Central Bank from Brazil released PIX, a new payment method that allows 24/7 transactions. For the past 3 years i worked as backend developer to help our clients use PIX in their bank transactions. And in 2021, in my new position as a Technical Leader, i needed to push the team forward to solve issues and designing new features inside the product.
I`am an enthusiastic learner on how to better solve problems, learning new technologies, improving my technical skills. I study in every moment i can, and i share articles to discuss solutions with all possible colleagues whom might be interested of.
I think that the key to success is in the team, and being a techlead allow me to build an environment of cooperation and Constant improvment, promoting healthy discussions with the objective of collective growth, moving forward to the path of excelence as professionals and human beings.
My toolset: java, spring boot, docker, kafka ecosystem, cloud computing, sql, nosql, kubernets, applying architectural concepts such as hexagonal architecture, solid principles, event driven, and many more.
Hope you enjoy the page and see what i`m capable of.