An Android/iOS app for collaborative Spotify DJing
Want a new feature? Submit it as an issue (or find an existing one). To incentivize development, you can post a bounty.
- Download Xamarin (now Visual Studio for Mac). Windows development might work. I'm not going to help you with it.
- Clone this repo
- Preferences --> Project --> Build --> Uncheck "Enable parallel build of projects"
- Build all. Look in your error messages. Install any needed android sdks. Repeat.
- You must always built android in debug so it gets signed with the debug key certificate. O/w Spotify API will reject you.
Xamarin is finicky. Try these things. Also try with one of the Xamarin sample projects.
- Clean the project
- Update nuget packages
- Re-clone
- Try cleaning again
- Make sure you can upload a dummy project from xcode
- Clean again?