- Some programs mentioned may need manual compilation. The Hyprland config is designed around a KDE Plasma base.
- This setup is for dual screens which are named DP-1 (left) and HDMI-A-1 (right). Super+[ - Enable just left screen & Super+] - Enable both screens.
- Waybar is minimalist and has tooltips for a calendar and a module for power and vpn connections.
- The Wallpaper is available in various sizes in the wallpaper directory.
- Custom script in waybar for enabling/disabling VPNs. Based on the excellent work by HaHaLinks
- Swayidle will activate, turning off the screens 30 seconds after using the lock Super+L. Otherwise swayidle will turn off the screens and lock the screen after 30 minutes. There is a grace period of 5 seconds after the screens blank, before swaylock activates. This enables a quick wiggle of the mouse to bring the screens back on without having to enter your password.
- Idle inhibitor prevents locking when full screen apps or games are being used.
- Custom animations in Hyprland for Workspaces and Window movement.
- VPNs are set to not connect automatically on my system. For some reason they would connect before the ethernet was up and cause confusion. Hyprland has a script which waits a short time before connecting manually
- Reaper is a DAW. I have special window rules to prevent it freaking out with Hyprland (it's XWayland). Reaper also requires tooltips to be turned off for the interested.
- Super+Q for Alacritty
- Super+W for Firefox
- Super+R for rofi run menu
- Mouse+Left Click to drag window
- Mouse+Right Click to resize window
- Super+Mouse Wheel Cycle through workspaces
- Super+Shift+Cursors to swap windows
- Super+Ctrl+Cursors to resize windows
- Super+F1-F9 go to workspace
- Super+Shift+F1-F9 move window to workspace
- Super+F float window
Check out the shortcuts in hyprland.conf for the rest.
- Hack Nerd Font
- Hyprland
- Emacs
- Waybar
- Rofi
- Dunst
- Swaylock
- Swayidle
- Alacritty
- Kvantum
- Bash
- Starship
- qt5ct
- Pyradio
- Emacs
- Waybar
- Rofi
- Dunst
- Swaylock
- Swayidle
- Swaybg
- HyprShot
- Alacritty
- qt5ct
- wl-paste
- cliphist
- Firefox
- Thunderbird (flatpak)
- Alacritty
- Dolphin
- nm-connection-manager
- polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1
- KDE Connect
- qasmixer