As functionality is added to the app we should be adding release tests to ensure we haven't regressed.
- Add a new Issue to the cht-release-testing repo in github.
- Add a title that describes what is being tested, on which config, with which type of user.
- For the description add which type of user, the type of config, which platform(desktop, mobile app), the steps to test and the expected result.
- Close the issue.
- Add the label
Release Test
Create a github personal access token and name it token.json in this directory, like {"token":"gxgjjuwj-xxxx-xxxx"}
. The only required permission is public_repo Access public repositories
Run npm install
Run node create_release_project.js --version <release_vers>
to create a new project version.
EX: node create_release_project.js --version 3.3.0
This will generate a project in cht-release-testing repo. Once completed you should see the link to the project in the console.
EX: Project created at:
To generate a project with specific test cases (eg for minor releases and patches), add a new label to the issues you need to test and modify labels in config.js to use the new label.
- Once the project is created all test cases should be in the TODO column.
- Drag the test case you are working on to the In Progress column
- Drag the test case to done when completed.