Japanese README.md
This is the template repo combined Ruby on Rails with webpack without webpacker. This includes libraries which will be needed by MedPeer projects. Read below sections before you introduce your project.
There are 3 ways to introduce your project.
Recommended way
First, clone this repo.
$ mkdir tmp
$ cd tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/medpeer-inc/medpacker.git
Next, move your project directory and exec below command.
$ cd path/to/target-repo
$ bin/rails app:template LOCATION=path/to/tmp/medpacker/template.rb
Follow the instructions of cli.
Simple way but you have to be just before rails new. Clone and push to your remote repo changing initial remote setting.
Imigrate this codes manually. I guess you finish within 30 minites.
Almost all MedPeer projects use self-signed certifications for development environment. In this case, webpack-dev-server doesn't work so you have to deal with it.
Set dev environment domain to below option.
ex) set foo.test
when environment domain is foo.test
server {
listen 443 ssl;
nginx setting
location /sockjs-node {
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_pass http://host_name:3035;
After you finish above steps, confirm whether webpack-dev-server works or not. If that doesn't work, ask MedPeer frontend engineers.
Below codes help you understand how to implement and build.
$ yarn run dev # build assets by webpack as dev mode
$ yarn run dev:watch # build assets by webpack as dev mode(watch build)
$ yarn run dev:server # start webpack-dev-server
$ yarn run build # build assets by webpack as production mode
$ yarn run eslint # eslint
$ yarn run eslint:fix # eslint with auto fix
$ yarn run stylelint # lint css
$ yarn run stylelint:fix # lint css with auto fix
$ yarn run test # unit test by jest
â”” bundles/
â”” javascripts/
├ entries/ # Put entry point files.
â”” ...
├ modules/ # Put ts(js) modules.
â”” ...
├ components/ # Put Vue.js components. Delete this dir when you don't use Vue.js.
â”” ...
├ plugins/ # Put Vue.js plugins. Delete this dir when you don't use Vue.js.
â”” ...
├ directives/ # Put Vue.js custom directives. Delete this dir when you don't use Vue.js.
â”” ...
â”” store/ # Put vuex stores. Delete this dir when you don't use vuex.
â”” ...
â”” types/ # Put TypeScript type definition files.
â”” ...
application.ts is the file which you should write common scripts across all pages.
Use javascript_bundle_tag
to read entry point TypeScript(JavaScript) file which should be put under app/bundles/javascripts/entries
to each page.
For instance, you can apply app/bundles/javascripts/entries/home/index.ts
like this...
# app/views/home/index.html.erb
<% content_for :bundle_js do %>
<%= javascript_bundle_tag 'home/index' %>
<% end %>
<div class="container">
Don't forget to use content_for :bundel_js
This makes entry point TS(JS) putting inside head tag.
If you don't use this, your JS would't work or get delay to render page.
â”” bundles/
â”” stylesheets/
valiables.scss # Put SCSS variables
├ entries/ # Put SCSS to read each page(including application.scss).
â”” ...
├ components/ # Put SCSS components
â”” ...
â”” mixin/ # Put SCSS mixins
â”” ...
Make new directories if needed.
application.scss is the file which you should write common SCSS across all pages.
Put SCSS files to import each pages under app/bundles/stylesheets/entries
and import themselfs to TS entry point.
Finaly, use stylesheet_bundle_tag
to apply your SCSS file.
For instance, you can apply app/bundles/stylesheets/entries/home/index.scss
like this...
# app/bundles/javascripts/entries/home/index.ts
import '@style/entries/entries/home/index.scss'
# app/views/home/index.html.erb
<% content_for :bundle_css do %>
<%= stylesheet_bundle_tag 'home/index' %>
<% end %>
<div class="container">
Use content_for :bundel_css
same as TS import.
This makes the stylesheet putting inside head tag.
import SCSS file to TS entry point once again.
Otherwise, webpack doesn't build SCSS file and occur the error when stylesheet_bundle_tag
Follow the below instruction when you import images to your application(you don't need them when you use images for css background-image).
You can render image tag like this using image_bundle_tag
import img from '@image/medbear.png';
The img variable is string literal of image path.
<img :src="require('@image/medbear.png').default" alt="Hello Medbear" />
Medpacker executes webpack build as default when it inspects js: true
before driving e2e specs.
You can skip it by setting SKIP_WEBPACK_BUILD=true
when you don't want to execute webpack build before e2e.
You should build asset by webpack in advance when you excute e2e test in parallel.
$ SKIP_WEBPACK_BUILD=true bundle exec rspec
Medpacker prepares unit test enviroment by jest(this doesn't depends on Ruby on Rails).
Jest recognizes TS files like **/*.spec.ts
as test files which are put under spec/javascripts/
Test policy depends on each project but we recommend below policy.
- Test mounting for Vue.js component at least.
- Test coplicated methods and computed as much as you can.
- Think about separating business logics from components to pure functions and test their functions.
We show that how easy you write tests each section.
SFC <template>
< SFC <script>
< pure TS(JS)
Put logics on more testable place and keep simple
- Skip writing test because of simple condition.
- New feature added and it makes the condition more coplicated.
- You don't write test due to no test there.
- New feature added and it makes the condition more coplicated.
- New feature added and it makes the condition more coplicated.
- You finaly found out chaos codes...
Instroduction of important libraries which this repo has.
Fundamentals of this repo. webpack and webpack-dev are used by assets build.
webpack build TS(JS), SCSS(css), images and output files to public/bundles
Your application can read them by using this helper methods.
There are 2 modes for build.
This mode is for development environment.
$ yarn run dev
$ yarn run dev:watch
$ yarn run dev:server
Above 3 commands are executed as development mode. This mode makes you easy to development and debug. ex) not minify assets, output sourcemap.
This mode is for production environment.
$ yarn run build
Above command are executed as production mode. This mode makes assets minify as small as possible. This mode make you difficult to debug but browsers can get assets faster.
We have introduced webpack-dev-server. This helps you local environment development. For example...
- Build incrementally when you change TS or SCSS (same with webpack watch build)
- Apply updated files to the browser without browser reload (it is called Hot module replacement, HMR)
- Auto browser reload in case of not working HMR
You can get these features by using webpack-dev-server.
However, you have to adjust webpack-dev-server settings like host and port when you work that on docker. Look at these files and adjust settings.
Babel transforms your JavaScript codes to be able to work at designated browswer versions. We have already prepared this ecosystem so you don't have to mind IE11!.
Target browsers setting is here. We set widely more than medpeer.jp recommended browser versions. https://github.com/medpeer-inc/medpacker/blob/master/.browserslistrc
When you set by yourself, refer to below sites.
We have already set TS and SCSS linters.
Default lint targets are TS files and SFC files under app/bundles/javascripts
You can exec eslint by yarn run eslint
And you can use auto fix by executing yarn run eslint:fix
Prettier is the code fomatter for frontend assets. This works as eslint plugin.
Default lint targets are SCSS files and SFC files under app/bundles/stylesheets
and app/bundles/javascripts/components
You can exec stylelint by yarn run stylelint
And you can use auto fix by executing yarn run stlyelint:fix
postcss is the tool to transform CSS and add something awesome. We have set 2 postcss plugins as default and they make frontend engineer happier.
Add vendor prefix automatically.
The tool for outputing fixed flexbox bugs codes.
Default settings are strict. Ask your frontend engineers if you want to relieve strict settings.
Installed as default. Ask your frontend engineers if you want to use other JS frontend frameworks like jQuery, React, Angular etc.. . If you don't use Vue.js, remove that and that's ecosystem.
Use axios. Just axios. Don't use $.ajax
Testing frame work for JavaScript. This config is apart from webpack so ask your frontend engineers when you get stuck settings.
I haven't installed JQuery due to DOM handling of pure JS enough good. Ask your frontend engineers when you think you have to install it.
assets pipeline outputs a file all JS and CSS. The code base of the project bigger, the output file bigger and it takes much time to download without cache. Additionaly, assets pipeline uses gem and it makes frontend settings ruined.
webpacker abstracts webpack config which has good points and bad points. Developers who focus on Rails get advantages from that due to easy setting. However, Frontend engineers sometimes suffer from that abstraction which makes them annoying to set webpack advanced settings. So we decided not to install webpacker to handle pure webpack.
comment out below.
- Don't use npm. Just use yarn.
This software is released under the MIT License, see the license file.