This is a simple Python script that allows for players to avoid detection while AFKing on LS-RP.
Created sometime in 2019(?), this script follows the following process:
- Do the command /admins in game. This should list the names of the administrators online, or, if none are online, it should print "There's no administrators online."
- Copy the SA-MP Chatlog.txt to a new file (to avoid any issues with reading/writing)
- Parse this chatlog for the last line.
- If the last line is not "There's no administrator's online", check again, and if it still isn't that, then quit the game.
- If the last line IS "There's no administrator's online", it's safe to AFK, and thus, the bot moves around a little and types /time before then sleeping for another 20 minutes.
Using this script, I have never been banned from LS-RP for AFK botting. By quitting when administrators are online, you evade their attention. I intended to expand on this to auto re-join when admins leave and such, but I've lost interest in LS-RP, so unfortunately I have not updated the script to that point.