This repository exists to manage my dotfiles and bootstrap my workstation.
On a brand new machine launch this script :
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply mehdicopter
- 1password - Password manager
- f.lux - Adapts the color of the screen
- iTerm2 - Replacement for Terminal
- KeepingYouAwake - Prevents your Mac from going to sleep
- Signal - Messaging app
- WhatsApp - Messaging app
- Spotify - Music, Podcasts
- VLC - Video player
- Transmission - Bittorrent client
- Visual Studio Code - Code Editor
- Raycast
- chezmoi
- git
- tig
- gh
- glab
- bash
- zsh
- gnu-sed
- gnupg
- gpgme
- ykman
- pinentry-mac
- hopenpgp-tools
- fzf
- shellcheck
- tree
- coreutils
- htop
- fping
- nmap
- jq
- fx
- yq
- bat
- vim
- virtualenvwrapper
- yamllint
I do have OhMyZsh in order to pimp my terminal and improve my productivity.
I am using the Powerlevel10k theme.
- aliases
- brew
- command-not-found
- common-aliases
- copyfile
- docker-compose
- docker
- encode64
- extract
- fzf
- gh
- git
- gpg-agent
- helm
- kubectl
- macos
- terraform
- vscode
- web-search