Launch all the Mac apps and websites you use on a daily basis with one click.
Workflows is a Mac app that lets you create custom workflows for school, work, social, and other contexts. Save time from opening the same applications over and over again, and launch them with a single click with Workflows.
I often find myself opening the same sets of apps and websites every day. In the mornings, I'd open up my terminal, code editor, email, calendar, and task management tool. When I take a social media break, I like to open up things like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. I kinda got tired of going through the same motions all the time and wanted a way to automate all of this. ⚙️
I knew this problem could be solved with a Mac app, but I had never created a desktop application before. So I decided to spend an entire day going through Swift and MacOS dev tutorials to solve my workflows problem, and this is what came of it. 🎉
It's by no means fancy, but it does the job! Not too shabby for a one-day build, having never done MacOS development before.
I plan on contributing more to this project over time as I learn more bits and pieces to make the app more useful and beautiful. ❤️
- Make sure you have Xcode installed.
- Download the source code.
- Open Xcode, and choose the option to "Open a project or file".
- Select the source code folder you just downloaded.
- Run the app in Xcode.
- Create a new Workflow by clicking on "Create New Workflow."
- Add links to your Workflow by clicking "+ URL" and typing in the url. URLs must include the appropriate
prefix. - Add Mac applications to your Workflow by clicking "+ Application" and selecting an app from the diaglog. You can select multiple apps at once by holding the Command (Cmd ⌘) key and clicking the apps you'd like to add to your Workflow.
- Launch your Workflow by clicking "Launch Workflow".