For the backend
For bringing types into javascript
As database (you probably guessed it!)
For querying datas from the client
For containerizing and deploying/managing the application (different services). When the app starts, multiple containers are started:
- the app container running the node app
- the mongoDB container
- the mongo-seed container to seed the database. Exits after the seed completes
- the Nginx container for routing/load balancing
- the frontend container for building assets (js, css, html) for the [future] client application.
Prerequisites: Docker and make (make is preinstalled on unix computers, can be installed on windows) have to be installed on the host machine.
First clone this repo
git clone
cd node-typescipt-ME-N
Run tests:
make test
Run the app:
make start
for development or make start-production
for production. That's it 😎
When the installation completes, run the app at: http://subaru-movies.localhost:9000 at localhost.
You can also visit the graphiql endoint at http://subaru-movies.localhost:8001/api/graphql. 2 schemas have been defined: movies and reviews. You can query against them using graphql queries :
query { movies { title year imdb } }
or creating a new movie mutation { createMovie(title: "The last Kindom", year: "2018", imdb: "tt005946d2") { title year imdb } }
The page looks like this:
To stop the app:
Press ctrl-c and then remove all created containers by running make clean
- add auth for mongoDB
- add swagger for API documentation (first solve the problem of redefinintion of models accross different parts of the application: graphql, mongoose, typescript and swagger...)
- convert the compose file to version 3
- deploy the app with kubernetes/rancher
- writing tests