This program implements a simple text compressor using the Huffman coding algorithm.
1: Calculate the frequency of each string.
- 2: Sort all the characters on the basis of their frequency in ascending order.
- 3: Mark each unique character as a leaf node.
- 4: Create a new internal node.
- 5: The frequency of the new node as the sum of the single leaf node
- 6: Mark the first node as this left child and another node as the right child of the recently created node.
- 7: Repeat all the steps from step-2 to step-6.
- License:
- Source:
To compress a text file:
./compressor [input_file] -comp [output_file]
To decompress a compressed file:
./compressor [input_file] -decomp [output_file]
To compress a file named input.txt and save the compressed output as compressed.bin
./compressor input.txt -comp compressed
To decompress a file named compressed.bin and save the decompressed output as restored.txt:
./compressor compressed.bin -decomp restored.txt
The input file must be a text file. The compressed output will have a .bin extension. The decompressed output will be saved without any extension.