Long Exposure Camera is a Python program that blends captured frames from a camera or imported from a directory of images.
To run the code, you need to install the following dependencies:
- OpenCV (
) - Numpy
- Blend Modes
You can install with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You also need to have Python 3.6 or above installed.
python app [-h] [-c CAMERA_ID] [--opacity OPACITY] [--save] [-s SECONDS] [--size SIZE] [--input-dir] [-o OUTPUT]
Here are the descriptions of the arguments:
- `-h`, `--help`: Shows the help message and exits.
- `-c CAMERA_ID`, `--camera-id CAMERA_ID`: Specifies the camera ID (default: 0).
- `--opacity OPACITY`: Specifies the opacity to blend images (default: 0.3125).
- `--save`: Saves the captured frames to the "images/" folder.
- `-s SECONDS`, `--seconds SECONDS`: Specifies the duration of capturing frames in seconds (default: 10).
- `--size SIZE`: Specifies the image size (default: 640x480).
- `--input-dir`: Uses an input directory instead of a camera.
- `-o OUTPUT`, `--output OUTPUT`: Specifies the output file name (default: output.png).
To process frames by capturing from camera:
python app
To process frames by importing them from a directory of images:
python app --input-dir
To blend the frames and save the output as "output.png":
python app --save -o output.png
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.