MySQL Workbench Exporters to generate database documentation for Confluence and Redmine/Textile.
99.9% based on work by Ralf Schäftlein (LGPLv3).
- Download an Exporter Script
- Start your MySQL Workbench
- Choose from the “scripting” menu the entry “Install Plugin/Module…”
- Change Drop down in the Dialog to File type ”lua Files..”
- Choose downloaded File and click open
- Restart Workbench
- Open previously generated ER model file *.mwb
- Choose from the “Plugins” menu the entry “Catalog” and their the new entry “Confluence Markup Exporter…”
- Markup is now in the clipboard
- Open in Confluence an existing page or create a new onw
- Click on “Edit” button and go to tab “Wiki Markup”
- Paste the generated documentation and click on “save” button