This SDK helps developers get started with the on-chain tools provided by Metaplex. It focuses its API on common use cases to provide a smooth developer experience.
Please check the Sample App.
From Xcode 14, you can use Swift Package Manager to add Metaplex-iOS to your project.
- File > Add Packages
- Search
- Select metaplex-ios
- Select "branch" with "main"
- Add package
If you encounter any problem or have a question on adding the package to an Xcode project, I suggest reading the Adding Package Dependencies to Your App guide article from Apple.
- iOS 11.0+ / macOS 10.13+ / tvOS 11.0+ / watchOS 3.0+
- Swift 5.3+
The entry point to the Swift SDK is a Metaplex
instance that will give you access to its API.
Set the SolanaConnectionDriver
and setup your environment. Provide a StorageDriver
and IdentityDriver
. You can also use the concrete implementations URLSharedStorageDriver for URLShared and GuestIdentityDriver for a guest Identity Driver.
You can customise who the SDK should interact on behalf of and which storage provider to use when uploading assets. We might provide a default and simple implementation in the future.
let solanaDriver = SolanaConnectionDriver(endpoint: RPCEndpoint.mainnetBetaSolana)
let identityDriver = GuestIdentityDriver(solanaRPC: solana.solanaRPC)
let storageDriver = URLSharedStorageDriver(urlSession: URLSession.shared)
let metaplex Metaplex(connection: solana, identityDriver: identityDriver, storageDriver: storageDriver)
Once properly configured, that Metaplex
instance can be used to access modules providing different sets of features. Currently, there is only one NFT module that can be accessed via the nft()
method. From that module, you will be able to find, create and update NFTs with more features to come.
Lets dive in nfts module.
The NFT module can be accessed via Metaplex.nft
and provide the following methods.
findByMint(mint, callback)
findAllByMintList(mints, callback)
findAllByOwner(owner, callback)
findAllByCreator(creator, position = 1, callback)
findAllByCandyMachine(candyMachine, version = 2, callback)
createNft(input, callback)
All the methods return a callback. It's also possible to wrap them inside either RX, an async Result or Combine. We only provide this interface since it's the most compatible without forcing any specific framework.
The findByMint
method accepts a mint
public key and returns NFT object..
let ownerPublicKey = PublicKey(string: "HG2gLyDxmYGUfNWnvf81bJQj38twnF2aQivpkxficJbn")!
let nft = metaplex.nft.findByMint(publicKey: mintPublicKey) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let nft):
case .failure:
The returned Nft
object. This nft will not contain json data. It will only contain on-chain data. If you need access to the JSON offchain Metadata you can call. This call requires the metaplex object.
nft.metadata(metaplex: self.metaplex) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let metadata):
case .failure:
Similarly, the MasterEditionAccount
account of the NFT will also be already loaded and, if it exists on that NFT, you can use it like so.
let masterEdition = nft.masterEditionAccount
Depending on the MasterEditionAccount version it can return v1 or v2 enums.
You can read more about the NFT
model below.
The findAllByMintList
method accepts an array of mint addresses and returns an array of Nft
s. However, nil
values will be returned for each provided mint address that is not associated with an NFT.
let nft = metaplex.nft.findAllByMintList(mintKeys: [mintPublicKey, mintPublicKey]) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let nfts):
// You can use nftList.compactMap{ $0 } to remove nils
case .failure:
NFTs retrieved via findAllByMintList
will not have their JSON metadata loaded because this would require one request per NFT and could be inefficient if you provide a long list of mint addresses. Additionally, you might want to fetch these on-demand, as the NFTs are being displayed on your web app for instance.
Thus, if you want to load the JSON metadata of an NFT, you may do this like so.
nft.metadata(metaplex: self.metaplex) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let metadata):
case .failure:
We'll talk more about these tasks when documenting the NFT
The findAllByOwner
method accepts a public key and returns all Nft
s owned by that owner public key.
metaplex.nft.findAllByOwner(publicKey: ownerPublicKey) { [weak self] result in
switch result {
case .success(let nftList):
case .failure:
Similarly to findAllByMintList
, the returned Nft
s will not have their JSON metadata. This method is used on the Sample App.
The createNft
method accepts an input and returns the Nft
minted from the input. When creating the input, createNftInput
requires a uri
. This is where the off-chain json lives and can be a personal storage, aws, arweave, nftstorage, etc. You will need to have this uri
before minting your Nft
with createNft
You may mint the Nft
with a new or existing Account
. If you are generating a new account for the mint you use
or you can use an existing account AccountState.existing(existingMintAccount)
. This tells the program whether or not to create and initialize a mint account or not.
metaplex.nft.createNft(input: createNftInput) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let nft):
case .failure:
Currently collections and verifying creators are not supported, but will be added in a future release.
All of the methods above either return or interact with an Nft
object. The Nft
object is a read-only data representation of your NFT that contains all the information you need at the top level.
You can see its full data representation by checking the code but here is an overview of the properties that are available on the Nft
// Always loaded.
public let metadataAccount: MetadataAccount
public let updateAuthority: PublicKey
public let mint: PublicKey
public let name: String
public let symbol: String
public let uri: String
public let sellerFeeBasisPoints: UInt16
public let creators: [MetaplexCreator]
public let primarySaleHappened: Bool
public let isMutable: Bool
public let editionNonce: UInt8?
// Sometimes loaded.
public let masterEditionAccount: MasterEditionAccount?
As you can see, some of the properties are loaded on demand. This is because they are not always needed and/or can be expensive to load.
In order to load these properties, you may run the metadata
properties of the Nft
nft.metadata(metaplex: self.metaplex) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let metadata):
case .failure:
The Auction House module can be accessed via Metaplex.auctionHouse
and provide the following methods. This is still a WIP and we are continuously adding more tests and documentation. These methods belong to the AuctionHouseClient
class. AuctionHouseClient
is separated into four sections currently. AuctionHouse
, Bid
, Listing
, and Sale
. You can find more information about them below.
create(input, callback)
findByAddress(address, callback)
findByCreatorAndMint(creator, treasuryMint, callback)
All the methods return a callback. It's also possible to wrap them inside either RX, an async Result or Combine. We only provide this interface since it's the most compatible without forcing any specific framework.
The create
method accepts properties that fills CreateAuctionHouseInput
where sellerFeeBasisPoints
is required to share part of the sale with the Auction House. Upon successful creation you will get an Auctionhouse
object back.
public func create(
sellerFeeBasisPoints: UInt16,
requiresSignOff: Bool = false,
canChangeSalePrice: Bool = false,
auctioneerScopes: [AuthorityScope] = [],
treasuryMint: PublicKey = PublicKey(string: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112")!,
payer: Account? = nil,
authority: Account? = nil,
feeWithdrawalDestination: Account? = nil,
treasuryWithdrawalDestinationOwner: PublicKey? = nil,
auctioneerAuthority: PublicKey? = nil,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<Auctionhouse, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
The findByAddress
method accepts an address
public key and returns an Auctionhouse
let address = PublicKey(string: "5xN42RZCk7wA4GjQU2VVDhda8LBL8fAnrKZK921sybLF")!
metaplex.auctionHouse.findByAddress(address) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let auctionHouse):
case .failure:
The findByCreatorAndMint
method accepts a creator
public key and treasurymint
public key. It'll use these keys to derive a PDA and returns an Auctionhouse
let creator = PublicKey(string: "95emj1a33Ei7B6ciu7gbPm7zRMRpFGs86g5nK5NiSdEK")!
let treasuryMint = PublicKey(string: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112")!
metaplex.auctionHouse.findByCreatorAndMint(creator, and: treasuryMint) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let auctionHouse):
case .failure:
The returned Auctionhouse
object will contain details about the Auction House account on chain.
The Auctionhouse
object is a read-only data representation of the on chain Auction House and contains all the information you need at a top level. This model is generated by solita-swift
and is found in the metaplex-swift-program-library
public let auctionHouseDiscriminator: [UInt8] /* Auctionhouse.auctionHouseDiscriminator */
public let auctionHouseFeeAccount: PublicKey
public let auctionHouseTreasury: PublicKey
public let treasuryWithdrawalDestination: PublicKey
public let feeWithdrawalDestination: PublicKey
public let treasuryMint: PublicKey
public let authority: PublicKey
public let creator: PublicKey
public let bump: UInt8
public let treasuryBump: UInt8
public let feePayerBump: UInt8
public let sellerFeeBasisPoints: UInt16
public let requiresSignOff: Bool
public let canChangeSalePrice: Bool
public let escrowPaymentBump: UInt8
public let hasAuctioneer: Bool
public let auctioneerAddress: PublicKey /* `PublicKey.default` if `hasAuctioneer` is false */
public let scopes: [Bool] /* size: 7 */
Bidding is a part of the AuctionHouseClient
and allows you to create, find, and cancel bids using the following methods:
bid(input, callback)
findBidByReceipt(address, auctionHouse, callback)
findBidByTradeState(address, auctionHouse, callback)
findBidsBy(type, auctionHouse, callback)
loadBid(bid, callback)
cancelBid(auctioneerAuthority, auctionHouse, bid, callback)
The bid
method takes in parameters in order to fill the CreateBidInput
struct in order to create a Bid
on Auction House. The only required parameter is the AuctionhouseArgs
, which are the properties that make up an Auctionhouse
object. With all of the parameters set to their default you will have a basic Bid
that uses the identity of the IdentityDriver
public func bid(
auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs,
buyer: Account? = nil,
authority: Account? = nil,
auctioneerAuthority: Account? = nil,
mintAccount: PublicKey,
seller: PublicKey? = nil,
tokenAccount: PublicKey? = nil,
price: UInt64? = 0,
tokens: UInt64? = 1,
printReceipt: Bool = true,
bookkeeper: Account? = nil,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<Bid, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
The findBidByReceipt
takes a PublicKey
address and an Auction House, using AuctionhouseArgs
in order to find the bid on the Auction House. In your app you could create an Auctionhouse
using create(input, callback)
or find an auction house with findByAddress(address, callback)
or findByCreatorAndMint(creator, treasuryMint, callback)
public func findBidByReceipt(
_ address: PublicKey,
auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<Bid, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
The findBidByTradeState
is identical to findBidByReceipt
except now you are using the trade state PublicKey
to find the bid on the AuctionhouseArgs
passed in.
public func findBidByTradeState(
_ address: PublicKey,
auctionHouse: Auctionhouse,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<Bid, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
uses BidPublicKeyType
to find multiple bids on the Auction House you provide using AuctionhouseArgs
. The supported types are buyer
, metadata
, and mint
enum BidPublicKeyType {
case buyer(PublicKey)
case metadata(PublicKey)
case mint(PublicKey)
public func findBidsBy(
type: BidPublicKeyType,
auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<[Bidreceipt], OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
Use loadBid
to finish loading the LazyBid
with an asset, NFT
, for a particular bid on the Auction House.
public func loadBid(_ bid: LazyBid, onComplete: @escaping (Result<Bid, OperationError>) -> Void) { ... }
Cancel a bid on the Auction House using cancelBid
. A Bid
object is required and you cannot use a LazyBid
public func cancelBid(
auctioneerAuthority: Account? = nil,
auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs,
bid: Bid,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<SignatureStatus, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
is an object that consists of a LazyBid
and an NFT
. Sometimes you will only have LazyBid
or a Bidreceipt
. You can create a Bid
object from these using the loadBid(bid, callback)
method. A LazyBid
can be created using an Auctionhouse
and Bidreceipt
to be passed into loadBid(bid, callback)
public struct Bid {
public let bidReceipt: LazyBid
public let nft: NFT
is a partially loaded Bid
. It's created from a BidReceipt
and can be passed to loadBid(bid, callback)
to fetch the asset in order to have access to the full Bid
public struct LazyBid {
public let auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs
public let tradeState: Pda
public let bookkeeper: PublicKey?
public let buyer: PublicKey
public let metadata: PublicKey
public let tokenAddress: PublicKey?
public let receipt: Pda?
public let purchaseReceipt: PublicKey?
public let price: UInt64
public let tokenSize: UInt64
public let createdAt: Int64
public let canceledAt: Int64?
is the low-level data that the Auction House program uses to return raw Bid
data. Since we are working with raw data here we don't have access to the NFT
and has to be loaded using the loadBid(bid, callback)
method to create a usable higher level Bid
public struct Bidreceipt: BidreceiptArgs {
public static let bidReceiptDiscriminator = [97, 99, 99, 111, 117, 110, 116, 58] as [UInt8]
public let bidReceiptDiscriminator: [UInt8]
public let tradeState: PublicKey
public let bookkeeper: PublicKey
public let auctionHouse: PublicKey
public let buyer: PublicKey
public let metadata: PublicKey
public let tokenAccount: COption<PublicKey>
public let purchaseReceipt: COption<PublicKey>
public let price: UInt64
public let tokenSize: UInt64
public let bump: UInt8
public let tradeStateBump: UInt8
public let createdAt: Int64
public let canceledAt: COption<Int64>
Listing is a part of the AuctionHouseClient
and allows you to list, find, and cancel listings using the following methods:
list(input, callback)
findListingByReceipt(address, auctionHouse, callback)
loadListing(listing, callback)
cancelListing(auctioneerAuthority, auctionHouse, listing, callback)
The list
method takes in parameters in order to fill the CreateListingInput
struct in order to create a Listing
on Auction House. The required parameters are the AuctionhouseArgs
and a UInt64
representing the price you want to charge. With all of the parameters set to their default you will have a basic Listing
that uses the identity of the IdentityDriver
public func list(
auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs,
seller: Account? = nil,
authority: Account? = nil,
auctioneerAuthority: Account? = nil,
mintAccount: PublicKey,
tokenAccount: PublicKey? = nil,
price: UInt64,
tokens: UInt64 = 1,
printReceipt: Bool = true,
bookkeeper: Account? = nil,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<Listing, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
The findListingByReceipt
takes a PublicKey
address and an Auction House, using AuctionhouseArgs
in order to find the listing on the Auction House. In your app you could create an Auctionhouse
using create(input, callback)
or find an auction house with findByAddress(address, callback)
or findByCreatorAndMint(creator, treasuryMint, callback)
public func findListingByReceipt(
_ address: PublicKey,
auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<Listing, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
Use loadListing
to finish loading the LazyListing
with an asset, NFT
, for a particular listing on the Auction House.
public func loadListing(_ listing: LazyListing, onComplete: @escaping (Result<Listing, OperationError>) -> Void) { ... }
Cancel a listing on the Auction House using cancelListing
. A Listing
object is required and you cannot use a LazyListing
public func cancelListing(
auctioneerAuthority: Account? = nil,
auctionHouse: Auctionhouse,
listing: Listing,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<SignatureStatus, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
is an object that consists of a LazyListing
and an NFT
. Sometimes you will only have LazyListing
or a Listingreceipt
. You can create a Listing
object from these using the loadListing(listing, callback)
method. A LazyListing
can be created using an Auctionhouse
and Listingreceipt
to be passed into loadListing(listing, callback)
public struct Listing {
public let listingReceipt: LazyListing
public let nft: NFT
is a partially loaded Listing
. It's created from a ListingReceipt
and can be passed to loadListing(listing, callback)
to fetch the asset in order to have access to the full Listing
public struct LazyListing {
public let auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs
public let tradeState: Pda
public let bookkeeper: PublicKey?
public let seller: PublicKey
public let metadata: PublicKey
public let receipt: Pda?
public let purchaseReceipt: PublicKey?
public let price: UInt64
public let tokenSize: UInt64
public let createdAt: Int64
public let canceledAt: Int64?
is the low-level data that the Auction House program uses to return raw Bid
data. Since we are working with raw data here we don't have access to the NFT
and has to be loaded using the loadBid(bid, callback)
method to create a usable higher level Bid
public struct Listingreceipt: ListingreceiptArgs {
public static let listingReceiptDiscriminator = [97, 99, 99, 111, 117, 110, 116, 58] as [UInt8]
public let listingReceiptDiscriminator: [UInt8]
public let tradeState: PublicKey
public let bookkeeper: PublicKey
public let auctionHouse: PublicKey
public let seller: PublicKey
public let metadata: PublicKey
public let purchaseReceipt: COption<PublicKey>
public let price: UInt64
public let tokenSize: UInt64
public let bump: UInt8
public let tradeStateBump: UInt8
public let createdAt: Int64
public let canceledAt: COption<Int64>
Listing is a part of the AuctionHouseClient
and allows you to list, find, and cancel listings using the following methods:
executeSale(input, callback)
findPurchaseByReceipt(address, auctionHouse, callback)
loadPurchase(purchase, callback)
The executeSale
method takes in parameters in order to fill the ExecuteSaleInput
struct in order to execute the Purchase
on the Auction House. The required parameters are the AuctionhouseArgs
, along with the Bid
, and Listing
required for the sale. With the remaining parameters set to their default you will execute the sale using the identity of the IdentityDriver
public func executeSale(
bid: Bid,
listing: Listing,
auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs,
auctioneerAuthority: Account? = nil,
bookkeeper: Account? = nil,
printReceipt: Bool = true,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<Purchase, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
The findPurchaseByReceipt
takes a PublicKey
address and an Auction House, using AuctionhouseArgs
in order to find the purchase on the Auction House. In your app you could create an Auctionhouse
using create(input, callback)
or find an auction house with findByAddress(address, callback)
or findByCreatorAndMint(creator, treasuryMint, callback)
public func findPurchaseByReceipt(
_ address: PublicKey,
auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<Purchase, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
Use loadPurchase
to finish loading the LazyPurchase
with an asset, NFT
, for a particular listing on the Auction House.
public func loadPurchase(_ purchase: LazyPurchase, onComplete: @escaping (Result<Purchase, OperationError>) -> Void) { ... }
is an object that consists of a LazyPurchase
and an NFT
. Sometimes you will only have LazyPurchase
or a Purchasereceipt
. You can create a Purchase
object from these using the loadPurchase(purchase, callback)
method. A LazyPurchase
can be created using an Auctionhouse
and Purchasereceipt
to be passed into loadPurchase(purchase, callback)
public struct Purchase {
public let purchaseReceipt: LazyPurchase
public let nft: NFT
is a partially loaded Purchase
. It's created from a Purchasereceipt
and can be passed to loadPurchase(purchase, callback)
to fetch the asset in order to have access to the full Purchase
public struct LazyPurchase {
public let auctionHouse: AuctionhouseArgs
public let buyer: PublicKey
public let seller: PublicKey
public let metadata: PublicKey
public let bookkeeper: PublicKey
public let receipt: PublicKey?
public let price: UInt64
public let tokenSize: UInt64
public let createdAt: Int64
is the low-level data that the Auction House program uses to return raw Purchase
data. Since we are working with raw data here we don't have access to the NFT
and has to be loaded using the loadPurchase(purchase, callback)
method to create a usable higher level Purchase
public struct Purchasereceipt: PurchasereceiptArgs {
public static let purchaseReceiptDiscriminator = [97, 99, 99, 111, 117, 110, 116, 58] as [UInt8]
public let purchaseReceiptDiscriminator: [UInt8]
public let bookkeeper: PublicKey
public let buyer: PublicKey
public let seller: PublicKey
public let auctionHouse: PublicKey
public let metadata: PublicKey
public let tokenSize: UInt64
public let price: UInt64
public let bump: UInt8
public let createdAt: Int64
You can read more about Auction House in our online docs.
The Candy Machine module can be accessed via Metaplex.candyMachine
and provides the following methods. This is still a WIP and we are continuously adding more tests and documentation. These methods belong to the CandyMachineClient
class. You can find more information below.
All the methods return a callback. It's also possible to wrap them inside either RX, an async Result or Combine. We only provide this interface since it's the most compatible without forcing any specific framework.
The create
method accepts properties that fills CreateCandyMachineInput
where price
, sellerFeeBasisPoints
, and itemsAvailable
are required. Upon successful creation you will get a CandyMachine
object back.
public func create(
candyMachine: Account = HotAccount()!,
wallet: Account? = nil,
payer: Account? = nil,
authority: Account? = nil,
collection: PublicKey? = nil,
tokenMint: PublicKey? = nil,
price: UInt64,
sellerFeeBasisPoints: UInt16,
itemsAvailable: UInt64,
symbol: String = "",
maxEditionSupply: UInt64 = 0,
isMutable: Bool = true,
retainAuthority: Bool = true,
goLiveDate: Int64? = nil,
endSettings: EndSettings? = nil,
hiddenSettings: HiddenSettings? = nil,
whitelistMintSettings: WhitelistMintSettings? = nil,
gatekeeper: GatekeeperConfig? = nil,
creatorState: CreatorState? = nil,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<CandyMachine, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
The mint
method accepts properties that fills MintCandyMachineInput
where a CandyMachine
is required. A CandyMachine
should first be created on-chain and passed to the mint
method. Upon successful creation you will get a NFT
object back.
public func create(
candyMachine: CandyMachine,
payer: Account? = nil,
newMint: Account = HotAccount()!,
newOwner: PublicKey? = nil,
newToken: PublicKey? = nil,
payerToken: PublicKey? = nil,
whitelistToken: PublicKey? = nil,
onComplete: @escaping (Result<NFT, OperationError>) -> Void
) { ... }
The findByAddress
method accepts an address
public key and returns a CandyMachine
let address = PublicKey(string: "5xN42RZCk7wA4GjQU2VVDhda8LBL8fAnrKZK921sybLF")!
metaplex.candyMachine.findByAddress(address) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let candyMachine):
case .failure:
is a wrapper around the auto-generated Candymachine
object. CandyMachine
also gives us easy access to the CandyMachine
address. CandyMachine
has convenient getters to access properties of Candymachine
public struct CandyMachine {
private let candyMachine: Candymachine
let address: PublicKey
public init(
candyMachine: Candymachine,
address: PublicKey
) {
self.candyMachine = candyMachine
self.address = address
public var authority: PublicKey { candyMachine.authority }
public var wallet: PublicKey { candyMachine.wallet }
public var tokenMint: PublicKey? { candyMachine.tokenMint }
public var collectionMint: PublicKey? { nil }
public var price: UInt64 { }
public var symbol: String { }
public var sellerFeeBasisPoints: UInt16 { }
public var isMutable: Bool { }
public var retainAuthority: Bool { }
public var goLiveDate: Int64? { }
public var maxEditionSupply: UInt64 { }
public var itemsAvailable: UInt64 { }
public var endSettings: EndSettings? { }
public var hiddenSettings: HiddenSettings? { }
public var whitelistMintSettings: WhitelistMintSettings? { }
public var gatekeeper: GatekeeperConfig? { }
public var creators: [Creator] { }
The current identity of a Metaplex
instance can be accessed via metaplex.identity()
and provide information on the wallet we are acting on behalf of when interacting with the SDK.
This method returns an identity object with the following interface. All the methods required a solana api instance
public protocol IdentityDriver {
var publicKey: PublicKey { get }
func sendTransaction(serializedTransaction: String, onComplete: @escaping(Result<TransactionID, IdentityDriverError>) -> Void)
func signTransaction(transaction: Transaction, onComplete: @escaping (Result<Transaction, IdentityDriverError>) -> Void)
func signAllTransactions(transactions: [Transaction], onComplete: @escaping (Result<[Transaction?], IdentityDriverError>) -> Void)
The implementation of these methods depends on the concrete identity driver being used. For example use a KeypairIdentity or a Guest(no publickey added)
Let’s have a quick look at the concrete identity drivers available to us.
The GuestIdentityDriver
driver is the simplest identity driver. It is essentially a null
driver that can be useful when we don’t need to send any signed transactions. It will return failure if you use signTransaction
The KeypairIdentityDriver
driver accepts an Account
object as a parameter.
The KeypairIdentityDriver
driver accepts a PublicKey
object as a parameter. It's a read only similar to the GUestIdentity but it has the provided PublicKey
. It will return failure if you use signTransaction
You may access the current storage driver using
which will give you access to the following interface.
public protocol StorageDriver {
func download(url: URL, onComplete: @escaping(Result<NetworkingResponse, StorageDriverError>) -> Void)
Curently it's only used to retrieve json data off-chain.
This will use URLShared networking. Which is the default iOS networking implementation. This may be the most useful call.
This will use return Empty Data object with 0 size.
Currently tests are a mix between devnet
, mainnet
, and locally using amman
. We are in the process of getting amman
working on CI in order to move all tests to the local validator.
All Auction House tests are set to run locally using amman
, but are commented out so CI can pass. To run these tests you will need the js sdk. With the repo cloned, from the terminal run the following commands from the js
yarn install
yarn amman:start
As mentioned above, this SDK is still in very early stages. We plan to add a lot more features to it. Here’s a quick overview of what we plan to work on next.
- New features in the NFT module.
- Upload, Create nfts to match Js-Next SDK.
- More documentation, tutorials, starter kits, etc.
The SDK heavily inspired in the JS-Next. The objective of this is to have one Metaplex wide interface for all NFTs. If you use the Js-Next sdk this sdk should be familiar.