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MUSAP (Multiple SSCDs with Unified Signature API) is an iOS library designed to simplify the integration of multiple Secure Signature Creation Devices (SSCD) with a unified signature API. It provides a set of tools and utilities to streamline the implementation of secure signature creation mechanisms in iOS applications.


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MUSAP iOS Library

MUSAP (Multiple SSCDs with Unified Signature API) is an iOS library designed to simplify the integration of multiple Secure Signature Creation Devices (SSCD) with a unified signature API. It provides a set of tools and utilities to streamline the implementation of secure signature creation mechanisms in iOS applications.


  • Multiple SSCD Integration: MUSAP simplifies the integration of multiple Secure Signature Creation Devices into your iOS application.
  • Unified Signature API: Utilize a unified API for signature operations, abstracting the complexities of individual SSCD implementations.
  • Secure Signature Creation: Implement secure and standardized methods for creating digital signatures within your application.
  • Customizable: MUSAP is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing developers to customize and extend its functionality according to specific project requirements.

Project Structure

Musap Link flow

Reference implementation app

We have a reference implementation app available that serves as an example on how to use the library. You can find the app project from


To integrate MUSAP into your iOS project, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Xcode project.

  2. Go to "File" > "Swift Packages" > "Add Package Dependency..."

  3. Enter the URL for musap-ios, which is

  4. Choose the version or branch you want to use.

  5. Click "Next" and then "Finish."


Depending on your setup, there might be some configuration required. When using Yubikey SSCD, we need to conform to yubikit requirements. See requirements from Yubikit github repository.

Example info.plist from reference implementation app below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>App requires to use biometric authentication to access keys</string>
	<string>The application needs access to NFC reading to communicate with your YubiKey.</string>
	<string>The app is using camera for something</string>

Example .entitlements file below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">


Enabling an SSCD

Before we can use an SSCD to create keys or signing, we must enable it.

Call MusapClient.enableSscd()

import SwiftUI
import musap_ios

struct MyApp: App {

    init() {
        // Enable SSCDs. For example YubikeySscd
        MusapClient.enableSscd(sscd: YubikeySscd())

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

Generating a key

Create a key generation request and call MusapClient.generateKey(). The key generation result is delivered asynchronously through the given callback.

let sscdImplementation = YubikeySscd()
let keyAlgo            = KeyAlgorithm(primitive: KeyAlgorithm.PRIMITIVE_EC, bits: 384)
let keyGenReq          = KeyGenReq(keyAlias: self.keyAlias, role: "personal", keyAlgorithm: keyAlgo)

Task {

await MusapClient.generateKey(sscd: sscdImplementation, req: keyGenReq) {
    result in

    switch result {
    case .success(let musapKey):
        print("Success! Keyname: \(String(describing: musapKey.getKeyAlias()))")
        print("Musap Key:        \(String(describing: musapKey.getPublicKey()?.getPEM()))")

        print("isEC? \(String(describing: musapKey.getAlgorithm()?.isEc()))")
        print("isRSA? \(String(describing: musapKey.getAlgorithm()?.isRsa()))")
        print("Bits: \(String(describing: musapKey.getAlgorithm()?.bits))")

    case .failure(let error):
        print("ERROR: \(error.errorCode)")
        self.errorMessage = "Error creating musap key"
        self.isErrorPopupVisible = true


Select a key, create a signature request. Finally call MusapClient.sign().

let algo = SignatureAlgorithm(algorithm: .ecdsaSignatureMessageX962SHA256)
let signatureFormat = SignatureFormat("RAW")

let sigReq = SignatureReq(key: musapKey, data: data, algorithm: algo, format: signatureFormat, displayText: "Display text", attributes: [SignatureAttribute(name: "someKey", value: "SomeValue")])

Task {
    await MusapClient.sign(req: sigReq) { result in

        switch result {
        case .success(let musapSignature):
            print(" B64 signature: \(musapSignature.getB64Signature()) ")
            base64Signature = musapSignature.getB64Signature()
        case .failure(let error):
            print("ERROR: \(error.localizedDescription)")


Binding keys

Operation to bind an existing SSCD and keys with MUSAP.

let dtbd = self.payload?.getDisplayText() ?? "Default databa to be displayed"

guard let link = MusapClient.getMusapLink() else {
    print("No link available. Use MusapClient.enableLink(...) first")

let clientId = "LOCAL" // Possible client ID's are specified in musaplink.conf

let settings = ExternalSscdSettings(clientId: clientId)
let sscd = ExternalSscd(settings: settings, clientid: "1", musapLink: link)

let keyBindReq = KeyBindReq(
    keyAlias: "keyForMusap",
    did: "SOME_DID",
    role: "personal",
    stepUpPolicy: StepUpPolicy(),
    attributes: [KeyAttribute](),
    generateNewKey: true,
    displayText: dtbd

Task {
    await MusapClient.bindKey(sscd: sscd, req: keyBindReq) { result in

        switch result {
        case .success(let musapKey):
            // success, got MusapKey
            print("musapKey: \(String(describing: musapKey.getKeyAlias()))")
        case .failure(let error):
            // Failure, handle it
            print("BindKeyView: error in bindkey: \(error)")


Listing keys

let keys = MusapClient.listKeys()

for key in keys {
    // get your data

Get key by KeyURI

guard let key = MusapClient.getKeyByUri(keyUri: "yourKeyUri") else {
    // Key not found

Exporting Data

Exports MUSAP key data and SSCD details as a JSON string.

guard let exportData = MusapClient.exportData() else {
    // got nil, cant export data

// success, we can import the data to another MUSAP

Import Data

Imports MUSAP key data and SSCD details from a JSON string.

let dataToImport = "..."
do {
    MusapClient.importData(data: dataToImport) // void return
} catch {
    // handle error
    print("error: \(error)")

Remove specific MusapKey

let keyToRemove: MusapKey(...)
let keyWasRemoved = MusapClient.removeKey(musapKey: keyToRemove)

print("Key removal success: \(keyWasRemoved)")

Get enabled SSCDs

Get list of SSCDs that have been enabled MusapClient.enableSscd().

guard let enabledSscds = MusapClient.listEnabledSscds() else {
    print("No enabled SSCDs")

for sscd in enabledSscds {
    // Get SSCD name so we can display it in a list
    guard let sscdName = sscd.getSscdInfo().sscdName else {
        print("No name for sscd ")
    print("SSCD: \(sscdName)")


Get active SSCDs

Get a list of SSCDs that has keys active.

let activeSscds = MusapClient.listActiveSscds()

for sscd in activeSscds {
    // get something from sscd, like name to display in a list
    guard let sscdName = sscd.sscdName else {
        print("SSCD does not have a name set")


Usage: MUSAP Link

MUSAP has an optional server component called MUSAP Link Library. This server component is designed to provide the following functionalities:

  • Remote SSCD integration
  • Push Notifications

The link library does not store any critical user data. It only stores push notification tokens and transport security keys for each registered MUSAP client library. Registering a MUSAP library to the link library is always optional and a user choice.

Musap Link flow


guard let musapId = MusapClient.getMusapId else {
    // handle case
    print("No musap ID found")

Get MUSAP Link

guard let musapLink = MusapClient.getMusapLink() else {
    // No musap link

Enable MUSAP Link

let musapUrl = ""
let musapId = MusapClient.getMusapId()
let externalSettings = ExternalSscdSettings(clientId: "the_client_id")

if musapId == nil {
    if let link = await MusapClient.enableLink(url: musapUrl, apnsToken: "123abc") {
        // we have enabled link, enable sscd if you haven't already
        MusapClient.enableSscd(sscd: ExternalSscd(settings: externalSettings, clientid: "the_client_id", musapLink: link))

Disable MUSAP Link


Coupling with Relying Party

In order to sign from relying partys website, you need to be coupled with it.

let theCode = "ABC123" // get the code from the RP

Task {
    await MusapClient.coupleWithRelyingParty(couplingCode: theCode) { result in
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            switch result {
            case .success(let rp):
                print("Coupling OK: RP name: \(rp.getName())  linkid: \(rp.getLinkId())")
            case .failure(let error):
                // Handle error
                print("musap error: \(error)")

Polling MUSAP Link for signature requests

Poll MUSAP Link for an incoming signature request. This should be called periodically and/or when a notification wakes up the application.

Task {
    await MusapClient.pollLink() { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let payload):
            print("Successfully polled Link")
            self.payload = payload
            let mode = payload.getMode()

            // You might want to handle different flows somehow.
            switch mode {
            case "sign":
                print("Sign only")
                self.showSignView = true
            case "generate-sign":
                print("Generate and sign")
                self.showBindKeyView = true
            case "generate-only":
                print("Generate only")
                self.showBindKeyView = true

        case .failure(let error):
            print("Error in pollLink: \(error)")


List Relying Parties

We can list enrolled relying parties with MusapClient.listRelyingParties().

guard let relyingParties = MusapClient.listRelyingParties() else {
    // Handle nil

Removing a Relying Party

let success = MusapClient.removeRelyingParty(relyingParty: rpToRemove)
if success {
    // RP removed!

Signing with MUSAP Link

See MusapClient.sign().

Sending Signature Callback

We need to send back the MusapSignature to Link.

let signature = MusapSignature(...)
let transId   = "abc123" // this we get from PollResponsePayload
MusapClient.sendSignatureCallback(signature: signature, txnId: transId) // void return


MUSAP Library

Overall MUSAP Architecture is: MUSAP project architecture alt="MUSAP architecture" width="30" height="30

For all users MUSAP provides at least two keystores to be interfaced with end-user-add: MUSAP keystores alt="MUSAP"



Security Policy



This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.


MUSAP (Multiple SSCDs with Unified Signature API) is an iOS library designed to simplify the integration of multiple Secure Signature Creation Devices (SSCD) with a unified signature API. It provides a set of tools and utilities to streamline the implementation of secure signature creation mechanisms in iOS applications.




Security policy





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