A UIView-based simple bar graph.
- A very simple bar graph
- variable amount of bars and scale labels
- Easy to customize
- Auto-risizes
- Storyboard compatible
Import in RLSimpleBarGraph.h and .m
Import header.
#import "RLSimpleBarGraph.h"
####1. For Storyboards drag over a UIView. ####2. Select the UIView and go to the identity inspector (newspaper looking thing) and change the class to 'RLSimpleBarGraph'. Drop in this code and connect the variable in IB by control-dragging from the view Controller (the orange with a bandaid) to the UIView (well, you know what I mean).
In viewController header:
RLSimpleBarGraph IBOutlet *yourRLSimpleBarGraph;
####3. In your viewWillAppear: put something like this for the most simple version.
-(void)viewWillAppear: …
[yourRLSimpleBarGraph basicInit: @[@1,@2,@4,@6,@8,@10,@3]];