A database of Romanian MPs and their activity. It crawls the Chamber of Deputies website and extracts questions submitted by MPs.
Download and install vagrant.
Set up the virtual machine. This will take a while and download several hundred MBs of images and packages:
$ vagrant up
3. Log into the machine and start the app. It will be accessible at http://localhost:5001/ (vagrant takes care of mapping port 5000 in the VM to port 5001 on the host computer):
$ vagrant ssh $ cd /vagrant $ ./ runserver -t
4. Load a database dump. Copy the archive to the repository root, then import it:
$ zcat /vagrant/mptracker-yyyy-mm-dd.sql.gz | psql mptracker
- Python 3.3
- PostgreSQL 9.3 (debian/ubuntu: )
- libxml, libxslt (debian/ubuntu:
apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
Install dependencies (consider using virtualenv, it makes life easier when working with multiple projects):
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Configure the application. Here's a sample
(it should be
in the same folder as
DEBUG = True SECRET_KEY = 'foo' SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql:///mptracker'
Set up the database:
$ createdb mptracker $ ./ db sync
Run the application:
$ ./ runserver