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Mathieu GRENET edited this page May 9, 2024 · 20 revisions

Little Big Mouse

As a user of two or more displays of different types, the mouse pointer can appear to jump between displays. Use Little Big Mouse (LBM) to solve mouse transition problems.

LBM ensures smooth mouse movement between displays to avoid missed clicks and frustrating searches for a mouse pointer.

Little Big Mouse enables:

  • Smooth mouse transitions between multiple displays
  • DPI aware mouse transitions
  • Border resistance
  • Infinite mouse scrolling
  • Display size adjustments
  • Display color and brightness balancing
  • Access to display debugging information

Little Big Mouse is an open source project and is protected by the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Download Link


Little Big Mouse is available from the GitHub repository. Use this procedure to install Little Big Mouse.

IMPORTANT: LBM is only supported on Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest release from the Little Big Mouse GitHub repository. Note: Ensure that you download the .exe file. You can also download the source code.
  2. Run the Little Big Mouse installer from your computer. The Setup dialog appears.
  3. (Optional) Type a new path into the text box or select a folder via the Browse button to change the default installation path.
  4. Select Next to install LBM. The dialog shows the installation progress and indicates when the process is complete.
  5. Select Finish. The dialog closes. LBM runs if you select the checkbox.

You installed Little Big Mouse. Access the program from the Start Menu.


Little Big Mouse enables access to all functions through a single-window interface.

LBM divides the interface into three sections. The sections and functions of the sections are as follows:

  • Top Panel: Access the view tabs in this panel. From left to right the view tabs enable access to the following functions:
    • Configuration The checkboxes set program options as follows:
      • Horizontal Loop: Enables the horizontal looping feature. When your mouse pointer exits the right border of your displays, it
        reappears on the left border of your displays. The loop also works in reverse.
      • Vertical Loop: Enables the vertical looping feature. When your mouse pointer exits the top border of your displays, it reappears on the bottom border of your displays. The loop also works in reverse.
      • Allow overlaps: Enable this option to allow border overlaps. Important! If display areas overlap, the program behavior is not defined. The results of display overlap are unpredictable.
      • Allow discontinuity: Disables screen edge snapping and allows you to leave gaps between your screens.
      • Adjust Speed: Changes mouse speed to be consistent when moving between displays with different DPI (Dots Per Inch) values.
      • Adjust Pointer: Change mouse pointer size to be consistent when moving between displays with different DPI values. Note: If Windows display zoom is active, Adjust Speed and Adjust Pointer are disabled in Little Big Mouse. These options are set by Windows when display zoom is active.
      • Allow Corner Crossing: Enables virtual corner crossing. If your displays are not at equal heights, LBM can smooth corner mouse transitions. LBM calculates the direction your mouse pointer leaves the screen and LBM places it at the corresponding point on the next display.
      • Auto Check for update: LBM checks for program updates on startup
      • Load at startup: Starts LBM when you log in to Windows.
      • Enabled: Indicates that LBM is enabled.
    • Info: Access display and display adapter information
    • Size: Change the relative sizes of displays
    • Position: Change the relative positions of displays
    • Vcp Control: Change color and brightness profiles of displays (this function is disabled in current version)
  • Center Panel: Shows the representation of your display devices. When you select tabs, the information in this panel changes. The default view shows the following information:
    • Display makes and models.
    • Display capabilities such as size and resolution.
    • Display adapters
    • Relative display positions
  • Bottom Panel: Access operations in this panel.
    • The four buttons operate as follows:
      • Save configuration Save current configuration
      • Copy config to clipboard: Copies all display adapter and display information to the Clipboard for use outside of Little Big Mouse
      • Play: Enables Little Big Mouse functionality
      • Stop: Disables Little Big Mouse functionality
      • Undo: Reload last saved configuration


Access the following Little Big Mouse functionality through the main window:

  • View display info
  • Change display size
  • Change display position
  • Change borders resistance
  • Change display color

You can also access options and undo any changes.

View Display info

Access detailed information from your displays and drivers with Little Big Mouse. Follow these steps:

  1. Use the Info button to open the info tab. The Little Big Mouse window shows your displays with display parameters in a table.
  2. Use your mouse wheel or the scroll bar in each display image to scroll through the text information.
  3. (Optional) To copy the display text information:
  • To copy individual values, select the information in the display image.
  • To take a copy of all current display hardware and display driver information, select Copy config to clipboard.

You accessed display hardware and display driver information for your system.

Change Your Reported Display Sizes

Sometimes your display reports incorrect dimensions to Windows. Incorrect size reporting causes erratic mouse movement when the pointer transitions between displays. Use the following procedure to find the information that your display driver reports and to change incorrect values.

Tip: Verify the dimensions of your display before changing any values.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the Size button to open the size tab. The Little Big Mouse window shows your displays with arrows that indicate the physical dimensions of the displays.
  2. Select the dimension to change: Little Big Mouse shows dimensions in millimeters. Each display has the following dimensions:
    • Values that are next to the blue arrows: The external dimensions in millimeters of the display, including both the viewable area and screen borders
    • Values that are next to the beige arrows: The dimensions in millimeters of the viewable area
    • Values at the four edges of the display image: The dimensions in millimeters of the physical display borders
  3. Type the new size into the selected box and press Enter. The image of the display changes size to reflect the new dimension.

Tip: If you make a mistake, right click the image of the display with the incorrect dimension and select Reset Size from the menu. The display resets all dimensions to the default values. Reset Size does not work for the display border values. Type the border size values in manually.

You used LBM to update the dimensions of your display devices.

Change the Relative Positions of Your Displays

Mouse movement between displays can be unpredictable for reasons such as:

  • Different physical display sizes for example, between a widescreen display and a 4:3 display.
  • Different display resolutions for example, between a 4K display and a 1080p display.
  • Different display types, for example between a laptop display and a second LCD display.
  • Physical location of displays.
  • Little Big Mouse enables you to define the physical locations of each display so that mouse transitions between displays are smooth and predictable.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the Location button to open the location tab. The images of your displays now have a blue background.
  2. Drag within the blue area to move the image of that display. Place the image so that it is the same as the relative positions of the physical displays.


  • Select the Undo icon to undo your last change.
  • Select any of the Ruler icons to show guide rulers on your displays. Select the icon again to remove the rulers.
  • The image snaps to a grid and to the edge of other display images. To turn snapping off temporarily, press and hold CTRL while you drag.
  1. (Optional) Select any of the options from the options bar.
  2. Select Play to apply your changes.
  3. Close Little Big Mouse. The task continues to run in the background. Select the LBM icon in the task tray to reopen the program.

You adjusted the relative positions of your displays and smoothed mouse transitions between displays.

Change borders resistance

Objects near borders can be hard to clic without having the cursor to cross the border With border resistance you can add a virtual distance in mm before moving to next monitor.

  1. Select the Borders resistance button to open the tab.
  2. Change value for each border

Change the Color Balance of Your Displays

Mismatched color profiles result in difficulties such as comparing images on separate displays. Little Big Mouse gives the ability to change the color profiles for better color matching between displays.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the Vcp Control button to open the tab. The image of your displays changes to show five color bars.
  2. Drag the slider to adjust the value of each component. Each bar adjusts a different aspect:
  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue

The number under each slider indicates the current value of that component in a range from 0 to 100.

Important! Only drag a slider if there is a number under the slider. If the number is not under the slider, LBM failed to read the value from your display and behavior may be erratic.

  1. Close the window. Your changes are saved automatically.

You used LBM to correct the color balance of your displays.

Command Line

You can use the command line to start/stop Little Big Mouse (eg in batch scripts)

  1. To start Little Big Mouse
    This is the equivalent of right click on the LBM system tray icon -> Start
    <install_directory>\LittleBigMouse_Daemon.exe --start

  2. To stop Little Big Mouse
    This is the equivalent of right click on the LBM system tray icon -> Stop
    <install_directory>\LittleBigMouse_Daemon.exe --stop

For example:
C:\>"C:\Program Files\LittleBigMouse\LittleBigMouse_Daemon.exe" --start