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mhahnFr edited this page Jun 12, 2024 · 23 revisions

With the functions in this header, all statistics about the allocations can be queried.

extern bool __lsan_printStatsOnExit


Deprecated since version 1.7: This option is no longer supported.
Will be removed in version 2.

Defaults to false. Setting it to true will cause the sanitizer to print the statistics upon normal termination of the program.

size_t __lsan_getTotalMallocs()

Returns the total count of allocations ever registered by the sanitizer.

size_t __lsan_getTotalBytes()

Returns the total count of allocated bytes ever registered by the sanitizer.

size_t __lsan_getTotalFrees()

Returns the total count of freed objects that were previously registered by the sanitizer.

size_t __lsan_getCurrentMallocCount()

Returns the count of the currently allocated objects registered by the sanitizer.

size_t __lsan_getCurrentByteCount()

Returns the count of the currently allocated bytes registered by the sanitizer.

size_t __lsan_getMallocPeek()

Returns the highest count of objects in the heap at the same time.

size_t __lsan_getBytePeek()

Returns the highest count of bytes in the heap at the same time.

bool __lsan_statsAvailable()


Deprecated: since version 1.5, please refer to __lsan_statsActive.
Will be removed in version 2.

Returns whether the memory statistics can be queried safely. If it returns false, but the memory statistics are queried regardless, the sanitizer might crash.


Added in version 1.1.

bool __lsan_fStatsAvailable()


Deprecated: since version 1.5, replaced by __lsan_statsActive.
Will be removed in version 2.

Abbreviation for __lsan_fragmentationStatsAvailable().


Added in version 1.2.

bool __lsan_fragStatsAvailable()


Deprecated: since version 1.5, replaced by __lsan_statsActive.
Will be removed in version 2.

Abbreviation for __lsan_fragmentationStatsAvailable().


Added in version 1.2.

bool __lsan_fragmentationStatsAvailable()


Deprecated: since version 1.5, replaced by __lsan_statsActive.
Will be removed in version 2.

Returns whether the memory fragmentation statistics can be queried safely. If it returns false, the statistics can be queried regardless without crash, but they might be wrong.


Added in version 1.2.

void __lsan_printFStats()

Abbreviation for __lsan_printFragmentationStats().


Added in version 1.2.

void __lsan_printFragStats()


Deprecated: since version 1.9, replaced by __lsan_printFStats() and __lsan_printFragmentationStats().
Will be removed in version 2.

Abbreviation for __lsan_printFragmentationStats().


Added in version 1.2.

void __lsan_printFragmentationStats()

Prints the statistics of the memory fragmentation. The bar has a size of 100 characters, it can be adjusted by using __lsan_printFragmentationWithWidth(size_t). The output stream defined by __lsan_printCout is used for the printing. The byte amounts are printed human-readable if __lsan_humanPrint is set to true.
This function already checks for the availability of the memory statistics using __lsan_statsActive and guarantees to not crash the program, even in the case th memory fragmentation statistics are unavailable.



Stats of the memory fragmentation so far:
97587 objects in the heap, peek 120463, 415640 deleted objects.

5.49 MiB currently used, peek 7.25 MiB.
[=...................................................=....======.....====.==========================.] of 13.55 MiB total

97587 objects currently in the heap, peek 120463 objects.
[=.=.=.=..=.===..============.........=========.=====================================================] of 122854 objects total


Added in version 1.2.

void __lsan_printFStatsWithWidth(size_t)

Abbreviation for __lsan_printFragmentationStatsWithWidth(size_t).


Added in version 1.2.

void __lsan_printFragStatsWithWidth(size_t)


Deprecated: since version 1.9, replaced by __lsan_printFStatsWithWidth(size_t) and __lsan_printFragmentationStatsWithWidth(size_t).
Will be removed in version 2.

Abbreviation for __lsan_printFragmentationStatsWithWidth(size_t).


Added in version 1.2.

void __lsan_printFragmentationStatsWithWidth(size_t)

Prints the statistics of the memory fragmentation. The size of the bar is specified by the given argument. The output stream defined by __lsan_printCout is used for the printing. The byte amounts are printed human-readable if __lsan_humanPrint is set to true.
This function already checks for the availability of the memory fragmentation statistics using __lsan_statsActive and guarantees to not crash the program, even in the case the memory fragmentation statistics are unavailable.


Example with a width of 65:

Stats of the memory fragmentation so far:
97587 objects in the heap, peek 120463, 415640 deleted objects.

5.49 MiB currently used, peek 7.25 MiB.
[=....................................====...=====================] of 13.55 MiB total

97587 objects currently in the heap, peek 120463 objects.
[===.=..=..========......======.==================================] of 122854 objects total


Added in version 1.2.

void __lsan_printStats()

Prints the statistics of the allocations. The bar has a size of 100 characters, it can be adjusted by using __lsan_printStatsWithWidth(size_t). The output stream defined by __lsan_printCout is used for the printing. The byte amounts are printed human-readable if __lsan_humanPrint is set to true.
This function already checks for the availability of the memory statistics using __lsan_statsActive and guarantees to not crash the program, even in the case the memory statistics are unavailable.



Stats of the memory usage so far:
297 objects in the heap, peek 661, 485 deleted objects.

7.72 MiB currently used, peek 7.72 MiB.
[====================================================================================================] of 7.72 MiB peek

297 objects currently in the heap, peek 661 objects.
[=============================================.......................................................] of 661 objects peek

void __lsan_printStatsWithWidth(size_t)

Prints the statistics of the allocations. The size of the bar is specified by the given argument. The output stream defined by __lsan_printCout is used for the printing. The byte amounts are printed human-readable if __lsan_humanPrint is set to true.
This function already checks for the availability of the memory statistics using __lsan_statsActive and guarantees to not crash the program, even in the case the memory statistics are unavailable.


Example with a width of 65:

Stats of the memory usage so far:
299 objects in the heap, peek 661, 565 deleted objects.

7.72 MiB currently used, peek 7.72 MiB.
[=================================================================] of 7.72 MiB peek

299 objects currently in the heap, peek 661 objects.
[==============================...................................] of 661 objects peek