ToyPlanet is a full-stack, one-stop shop web application for people who want to get swap their unused toys with new or used ones from other users.
There is no payment required to use ToySwap, we only require that you create an account so that you can navigate throughout our toy listings.
In order to swap with another user, you need to have at least one toy of your own saved in our database, which you can upload after you've logged in.
When you offer a toy to swap, the owner of the other toy has the option to confirm or deny your request. If they decide they want to swap theirs with yours,
you both can say hello to your brand new used toys! This app works great with video game owners who are fed up with companies like Gamestop paying a third of the price or less when you want to trade your game in.
Employing the following technology:
- Node
- React
- Mongoose
- useQuery Hook
- Resolvers
- GraphQL Playground
- JSON Web Tokens
- Authentication in GraphQL API
Application will then run in the command-line with:
node seeds
node server
npm run develop
Visit Toy Planet 🪐 on Heroku:
When visiting the site for the first time, the user is presented with
a homepage, including any existing product listings.
Navigation links include about, home, login/profile, and search.
When clicking login, the user is given the option to login or sign-up.
When choosing to sign-up, the user is prompted to provide an email address, create a username and password.
New user credentials are saved, and returning users must re-enter user
name and password.
After logging in, the profile page will include an option to logout.
When clicking on any listing, the user is presented with all details
including on the home page
Mariya Harizanova
Olsen Ogouchi
Xander VanOsdol email:
Thanks for taking a look!