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Collection of Node.js Test Helpers.

TestEnv sets up up a read/write environment that can be easily accessed, populated and then cleaned up after a test run.


    npm install @mhio/test --save-dev
    yarn add @mhio/test --dev


TestEnv expects test to contain you test files by default. Fixtures are expected to be in test/fixture. Output goes into test/output.

These paths can be overridden when you setup your TestEnv.

See examples for more

let test_env, out

before('Copy `files` from fixtures', function(){
  // Create a test environment from a file in your `test/` directory.
  test_env = TestEnv.setupTestDir(__dirname)

  // Create an output area called `newdir` in `test/output/newdir`.
  out = test_env.output('newdir')

  // Copy `test/fixture/files` to `test/output/subdir`
  return out.copyFrom('files', 'subdir')

after('Cleanup', function(){
  return out.clean()

it('should now have fixtures in the output directory', function(){
  let dir = out.path('subdir')
  expect( dir )['firstfile'])

it('should write a file to output', function(){
  let file = out.path('subdir', 'testfile')
  return fs.writeFileAsync(file, 'data\n').then( ()=> {
    expect( path.join(__dirname,'output','newdir','subdir','testfile') )

Setting DEBUG_CLEAN=true in your environment prevents cleanup so you can inspect files after the tests have run.

DEBUG_CLEAN=true mocha -b


TestEnv Path





.path( ...dirs )

Create a path from the base path of this Path instance

copy( source, destination )

Promise to copy a file from a source to destination


copyTo( source, destination )

Promise to copy data to this Output or path from a Fixture or path

Source and destination can be:

  • undefined/null - Parents fixture path.
  • String - Parents fixture path + str
  • Array - Parents fixture path join with Array
  • TestEnvPath - TEP's base bath


Promise to clean up file system contents of this Path instance


copyFrom( source, destination )

Promise to copy data from this Fixture or path to an Output or path

Source and destination can be:

  • undefined/null - Parents fixture path.
  • String - Parents fixture path + str
  • Array - Parents fixture path join with Array
  • TestEnvPath - TEP's base bath


TestEnv.setup( app_path )

Requires the path to your app directory that contains test. The fixture and output directories will be in test. See TestEnv.setupTestDir( __dirname ) for quicker setup from your inside your tests.


  • base_path
    The project/apps base path. Take a guess if the user doesn't provide one. The guess removes the node_modules/@mhio/test/lib dirs.

  • test_dir
    This directory will be appended to base_path that contains your tests. Defaults to: test

  • fixture_dir
    This directory will be appended to test_dir and contains your fixtures. Defaults to: fixture

  • output_dir
    This directory will be appended to test_dir for test output. Defaults to: output

  • tmp_output_dir_prefix The prefix used for a temp dirs in output. Defaults to tmp-

TestEnv.setupTestDir( test_dir )

Same as above but accepts the test directory instead of the app path. Allows TestEnv.setupTestDir( __dirname ) from test files.


Return a directory path from TestEnv base_path. Joins all arguments with path.join


Return a directory path from the fixture/ path Joins all arguments with path.join

TestEnv.fixturePath('a', 'b')
// = '/project/test/fixture/a/b'


Return a directory from the output/ path Joins all arguments with path.join

TestEnv.outputPath('one', 'two')
// = '/project/test/output/one/two'

tmpOutputPath(suffix, ...extras)

Return a random tmp dir path in the output path

TestEnv.tmpOutputPath('blah', 'one', 'two')
// = '/project/test/output/tmp-blah/one/two'


Create a random hex string n chars long

// = 'c8fd2'


Promise to clean a directory that must be inside the base path.

DEBUG_CLEAN makes this skip the removals


Promise to clean everything in the output/ dir

DEBUG_CLEAN makes this skip the removals


Promise to clean a named output/subdir

DEBUG_CLEAN makes this skip the removals


Promise to clean any tmp-* dirs created (Named with tmp_output_dir_prefix)

DEBUG_CLEAN makes this skip the removals


Promise to clean a named output/tmp-suffix dir

DEBUG_CLEAN makes this skip the removals


Promise to make the named directorys in output/.


Promise to make a temp directory output/tmp-${suffix}.


Remove the current temp directory from a path

// = 'output/whatever'

copyAsync(src, dest, options)

Promise to copt a directory to a destination


Promise to copy a fixture/ path to output/tmp-{random}

copyFixtureToOutputAsync(fixture_suffix, output_suffix)

Promise to copy a fixture/ path to output/

TestEnv.copyFixtureToOutputAsync('config', 'somedir')
// = cp -r /project/test/fixture/config /project/test/output/somedir


@mhio/test is released under the MIT license.

Copyright 2019 mhio