Multiplayer (4 players) card game:
This repository contains both client and server for running the code.
Note! Project is still in alpha stage!
You will need Java and Leiningen 2.9.1 or above installed.
Run steps 1.-3. only on the first time.
Download and install Java from e.g. AWS Corretto
Install Leiningen
Clone this repository in a terminal
git clone
Run the backend in a terminal
cd huutopussi lein ring server-headless
Run the frontend in a separate terminal
cd huutopussi/client lein fig:build
In development mode assets (images and JS) are served from client and server is only API. To start a web server (Rest API) for the application (runs in port 3000), run:
lein ring server-headless
To start a client. Go to client directory and run:
lein fig:build
Open http://localhost:9500 to play
Production build compiles minimal JS file and copies it and other assets (images) to server. Then the server is built as one standalone uber jar.
Create production uberjar:
Run it
java -jar target/huutopussi-standalone.jar
Open http://localhost:3000 to play
Copyright © 2020-2021 Markus Hjort
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.