Script to setup and compile tensorflow from scratch
Compiling Tensorflow from source help accelerate training time. However, it's not an easy task. Users usually face 4 majors problems:
- Packages are not available on their current version of Ubuntu
- Messy, inflated storage after installing build tools
- Official Docker devel images do not support every version of Tensorflow
- The compilation procedure is lengthy and you have to it once for every hardware config
- Install and setup NVIDIA Container Toolkit
If you intend to compile Tensorflow with NVIDIA GPU, you will need NVIDIA Container Toolkit to pass your GPUs to Docker container.
If you encounter error cgroup subsystem devices not found: unknown.
, refer to the workaround here.
- Generate
file fordocker-compose
- Launch the docker-compose
docker-compose build [--no-cache] tensorflow-compiler-<gpu|cpu>
docker-compose run -it --rm [--gpus all] \
--device /dev/nvidia0 --device /dev/nvidia-modeset --device /dev/nvidia-uvm --device /dev/nvidia-uvm-tools --device /dev/nvidiactl \
--network host \
-v "$(realpath ./tensorflow):/tmp/tensorflow_pkg" \
# When inside the docker container, run:
# Or do whatever you want
A convenient script
is also available at your disposal:
sh launch sh build|start gpu|cpu
- Retrieve compiled
file at host'stensorflow
# In a new terminal
cd tensorflow-compiler/
cp tensorflow/tensorflow_<tf_ver>.py<py_ver>.whl path/to/permanant/storage/
pip install path/to/permanant/storage/tensorflow_<tf_ver>.py<py_ver>.whl
- While the Dockerfiles are stable, the environment variable generator needs constant synchronisation with Tensorflow's official tested build configuration.
- Report issues and suggestions to Issue section.