The NSIDC Daily Arctic Sea Ice Extent tool is designed for users to be able to visualize MASIE, Sea Ice Index, and Near Real Time CDR data sets.
- This repository is not actively supported by NSIDC but we welcome issue submissions and pull requests in order to foster community contribution.
See the LICENSE for details on permissions and warranties. Please contact for more information.
This package requires:
- Pandas, numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, os, urllib.request, and calendar Python libraries
- Data from MASIE (ID G02186), Sea Ice Index (ID G02135), Near Real Time CDR (ID G10016) found at the NSIDC website
- The csv file 'psn25area_v3.csv' found in this repository
This code can be downloaded and run completely in Python or Jupyter Notebook. After downloading the datasets, run the reformatting notebook first to ensure the NRT CDR data is in a readable format for the main notebook.
After downloading and formatting the code for your machine, simply input the date range of interest and run the code. The output can be customized to visualize all three together, seperately or a variation of which data sets you would like to see.
- It is very important to ensure all data set sources are in one directory and that the code is set to see that directory.
- This code was created using a Windows machine, so there may be some minor formatting changes to be made if you are not running on a windows machine
- The Masie data set has known 'holes' in the data, but the "Daily_Arctic_Sea_Ice_Extent" notebook is coded to allow for skips in data. The updated list for missing data (in a .txt file) can be found at under "Detailed Data Description" subcategory "Data Access"
See Code of Conduct.
This software was developed by Michaela Sizemore for the National Snow and Ice Data Center under the supervision of Florence Fetterer with help from Ann Windnagel