PHP composer package to interact with Poshmark's website and APIs. Currently this uses your browser cookie information to do this.
php >= 7.1
Add the composer package to your project.
# TODO: This is not in packagist yet
composer require michaelbutler/phposh
Setup the service object that is used in all method calls:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
* The way this works is, it needs the cookie data from your logged-in Poshmark browser session.
* Simple way to get this is:
* - Log in to
* - Press Ctrl/Command + Shift + e (Firefox)
* - In Chrome, Ctrl/Command + Shift + i then click Network tab
* - Refresh the page
* - Right click the very top web request in the list and choose Copy as cURL
* - Paste into a Text Document and then find the information after `Cookie:`
* - If you ever get an error, repeat the steps above to get the latest cookie data.
$cookieString = "ps=....; _csrf=....; ...";
$pmService = new \PHPosh\Provider\Poshmark\PoshmarkService($cookieString);
Then you can use that $pmService
object to make further calls to get or change data; read on.
Retrieve all active (unsold) items in your closet:
$allItems = $pmService->getItems();
foreach ($allItems as $item) {
echo sprintf("itemId: %s - %s (%s)\n", $item->getId(), $item->getTitle(), $item->getPrice());
// Print the raw data array as provided by Poshmark
List items for another user:
$userUuid = 'abc123def456....'; // userUuid can be found in the HTML code of a user's closet web page
$username = 'coolshop';
$allItems = $pmService->getItems($userUuid, $username);
foreach ($allItems as $item) {
echo sprintf("itemId: %s - %s (%s)\n", $item->getId(), $item->getTitle(), $item->getPrice());
Retrieve a single item by its identifier (id).
// Use the itemId found via getItems or from an order
$item = $pmService->getItem('abc123def456....');
echo sprintf("itemId: %s - %s (%s)\n", $item->getId(), $item->getTitle(), $item->getPrice());
// The item's raw data element gives you all possible data provided by Poshmark,
// as a nested array map.
$rawData = $item->getRawData();
echo "Department: " . $rawData['department']['display'] . "\n";
echo "Num. Shares: " . $rawData['aggregates']['shares'] . "\n";
Retrieve a list of your order summaries:
// Get 50 most recent orders.
// Not all details are available in the order summaries.
$orders = $pmService->getOrderSummaries(50);
foreach ($orders as $order) {
echo sprintf("orderId: %s - %s (%s)\n", $order->getId(), $order->getTitle(), $order->getBuyerUsername());
echo sprintf("Status: %s, Num. Items: %d\n", $order->getOrderStatus(), $order->getItemCount());
Note that an "Order Summary" does not include full details about an order. It includes:
- Order title
- Sale price
- Size (single item orders only)
- Buyer username
- Order status
- Thumbnail (of first item only)
To get all details about an order:
// Following example above
$orderId = $orders[0]->getId();
$details = $pmService->getOrderDetail($orderId);
echo "\n";
echo sprintf("Order Title: %s\n", $details->getTitle());
echo sprintf("Buyer: %s\n", $details->getBuyerUsername());
echo sprintf("Total: %s\n", $details->getOrderTotal());
echo sprintf("Earnings: %s\n", $details->getEarnings());
echo "Items:\n";
foreach ($details->getItems() as $index => $item) {
echo sprintf("%d: %s [%s] (%s)\n", $index + 1, $item->getTitle(), $item->getSize(), $item->getPrice());
Edit and post changes (e.g. listing price or item description) to an item's data:
$itemFields = [
// Only the below 4 fields are currently supported. Send at least one, multiple supported.
'title' => 'Calvin Klein Jeans',
'price' => '29.00 USD', // also "$29.00" is supported
'description' => 'Great condition very comfortable jeans. One small tear on the left front pocket',
'brand' => 'Calvin Klein',
try {
$result = $pmService->updateItem('abc123def456...', $itemFields);
} catch (\PHPosh\Exception\DataException $e) {
echo "ERROR: Item abc123def456... failed to update!! " . $e->getMessage();
echo "SUCCESS: Item abc123def456... updated!!\n";
This is a very early version of this library, help is welcome.
Things that are needed:
- More Poshmark functionality
- Better authentication mechanism