Project skeleton: vue-web-starter
# install dependencies
npm install
# build all vendor modules (only once)
npm run dll
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3333
npm run dev
Project concerns implementation of internet portal helping to unite amateur sport teams and organize matches between teams from local communities. The portal consists of back-end application, mobile application and web application. Communication between these components is based on REST architecture.
This repository contains only web application
- registration with email verification
- editing user profile
- adding new team with thumbnail
- discovering local teams or groups
- joining teams (team owner must accept request)
- reviewing team players
- sending invitations for matches
- reviewing invitations
- Internationalization
- Forms validation
- Notifications
- Responsive Web Design
- Adaptive UI
Use the median cut algorithm provided by quantize.js to cluster similar colors and return the base color from team thumbnail, then fill card background
- Transitions between pages
- Integration with Google Autocomplete / Places API
- Integration with Google Maps
- Thumbnail preview before uploading