This repo allows you to quickly deploy a test app (named 'alphanumber') onto a K8S cluster.
You have 2 DIFFERENT OPTIONS of using this repo (trying both is warmly suggested).
Option 1) uses Helm only. Option 2) uses ArgoCD (which in turn uses Helm).
1.a - clone this repo
1.b - run "vagrant up"
1.c - run "vagrant ssh" to enter your vagrant box
1.d - run "cd sb-test" to enter this repo (automatically cloned at the Vagrant build)
1.e - run "make all-vagrant": just read the emitted logs and... enjoy!
NOTE: This option, just for showing how to do that, uses a Helm deployment of a LOCAL CHART which is pulled from this repo (./localhelm/alphanumber)
2.a - clone this repo
2.b - enter this repo (by simply running "cd sb-test" after you cloned this repo)
2.c - verify that your kubectl is pointing to the kubernetes cluster of your choice (just run "kubectl config get-contexts") and run "kubectl config use-context my-cluster-name" IF needed
2.d - run "make all": just read the emitted logs and... enjoy!
2.e - after testing, run "make argocd-cleanup" for cleaning up what "make all" built
NOTE: This option uses a Helm deployment of a REMOTE CHART which is pulled from a remote helm charts repo (namely That likely is the most convenient way of exploiting Helm.
I hope you enjoyed ;-)