Model | Backbone | Dec. | Varied Hor. | Dist. Head | Var. | Hyper-param in Inference | Running Guides |
Lag-Llama | Dec-only Trans. | AR | √ | Student' t | Uni | context len , pred len , use_rope_scaling |
Details |
Chronos | Enc-Dec Trans. | AR | √ | Arbitrary | Uni | context len , pred len , num_samples , temperature , top_k , top_p |
Details |
TimesFM | Dec-only Trans. | AR | √ | - | Uni | context len , frequency , window size |
Details |
Timer | Dec-only Trans. | AR | √ | - | Uni | context len , pred len , use_ims |
Details |
MOIRAI | Enc-only Trans. | NAR | √ | Mixture dist. | Multi | context len , pred len , patch size , variate_mode |
Details |
ForecastPFN | Enc-only Trans. | NAR | √ | - | Uni | context len , pred len |
Details |
UniTS | Enc-only Trans. | NAR | √ | - | Multi | context len , pred len |
Details |
Tiny Time Mixers | TSMixer | NAR | x | - | Multi | context len , pred len |
Details |
For time-series foundation models, you need to install basic packages and additional dependencies:
1. Set Up Environment
# Create a new conda environment
conda create -n probts_fm python=3.10
conda activate probts_fm
# Git submodule
git submodule update --init --recursive
# Install additional packages for foundation models
pip install ".[tsfm]"
pip uninstall -y probts # recommended to uninstall the root package (optional)
2. Initialize Submodules
To running model MOIRAI, TimesFM, Lag-Llama and TinyTimeMixer, please run the following commands for submodules initialization.
# For MOIRAI, we fix the version of the package for better performance
cd submodules/uni2ts
git reset --hard fce6a6f57bc3bc1a57c7feb3abc6c7eb2f264301
# For TimesFM, fix the version for reproducibility (optional)
cd submodules/timesfm
git reset --hard 5c7b905
# For Lag-Llama, fix the version for reproducibility (optional)
cd submodules/lag_llama
git reset --hard 4ad82d9
# For TinyTimeMixer, fix the version for reproducibility (optional)
cd submodules/tsfm
git reset --hard bb125c14a05e4231636d6b64f8951d5fe96da1dc
3. Download Model Checkpoints
Download the necessary checkpoints (More details are available here):
bash scripts/
Note: By downloading, you agree to the original license terms.
4. Run Benchmarking:
Reproduce the results reported in the ProbTS paper:
bash scripts/
Configuration files are in config/tsfm/.
5. Experimental Results Analysis (Coming Soon) 🚧
Analysis notebooks will be added in a future update.
1. Similar Insights in Evaluating Supervised Models Reconfirmed
- Handling Varied Forecasting Horizons: Current AR-based time-series foundation models also encounter error accumulation problems.
- Addressing Complex Data Distributions: Predefined distribution heads lack the capability to fully capture complex data distributions.
2. Supervised Time-Series Models vs. Pre-trained Foundation Models
- There is no definitive winner yet!
- In practice, you may need to choose the right paradigm based on specific cases:
- Unique data patterns → supervised models
- Scarce training data → pre-trained models, etc.
Figure. We use a dashed line to denote the datasets on which the model was pre-trained, e.g., both TimesFM and MOIRAI have leveraged Traffic datasets for their pre-training. The ETT encompasses averaged results from datasets ETTh1, ETTh2, ETTm1, and ETTm2.
Table 3. NMAE of time-series foundation models on diverse prediction horizons. The input sequence length is set to 96 if not specified. For every model, we exclude the evaluation results on its pre-trained datasets
Table 4. Results of probabilistic foundation models on short-term distributional forecasting. For every model, we exclude the evaluation results on its pre-trained datasets.