0.1 Preview (April 29, 2016)
- Added support for lightweight Objective-C generics on interfaces, including:
- Collections
- NSArray, NSMutableArray
- NSDictionary, NSMutableDictionary
- NSSet, NSMutableSet
- NSOrderedSet, NSMutableOrderedSet
- NSCache
- NSHashTable
- NSMapTable
- Enumerators
- NSEnumerator
- NSDirectoryEnumerator
- Other
- NSFileManager
- Collections
- Foundation updates
- NSIndexSet bug fixes
- NSKeyValueCoding bug fixes
- NSIndexSet, NSMutableIndexSet bug fixes
- NSDate added support for encodeWithCoder
- Preliminary support for NSURLComponents
- Preliminary support for NSURLQueryItem
- UIKit updates
- UIBarButtonItem fixes
- UIScreen updates
- UIPickerView bug fixes
- UIPinchGestureRecognizer updates
- UICollectionView updates and fixes
- Xib2Nib updates and fixes
- Security updates and fixes
- OpenGL/GLKit bug fix for content size scaling