Note: This can now be installed via cljsjs. Just search for 'blend4web' and follow the instructions. What follows below is how to manually install it into Maven with Boot.
[cljsjs/blend4web "16.09-2"] ;; latest release
Note the version number will now reflect the blend4web version its compatible with. Also note: is a an alpha-quality software, and is probably going to break/change.
Controlling Blend4Web's outputted WebGL with Clojurescript. For an overview, check out the proposed workflow.
Here's an example of its output
Note: Probably runs best on Chrome
If you'd like to develop the 3d content as well, download the latest version of Blender and the blend4web-addon
This next step varies from OS to OS
First download this repo, and get into a terminal emulator (ie, iTerm) and enter:
git clone
cd clojure-blend4web
Now compile this repo into a .jar, which sits in your ~/.m2 (maven repository). This also downloads a bunch of code, so it may take some time.
boot package install
Not sure :P I'm sure there's a way, but I don't have access to a Windows machine atm. If you could tell me how to build the above .jar on Windows, please let me know, I'll put it on here.
So far just a basic tutorial, I promise I'll add more as this project starts to stabilize.
Starting a project from scratch
I'd like to thank Matt Ratzke, Micha Niskin for helping me with Boot, and putting up with my silly questions. Another big thanks to Ivan Lyubovnikov, Yuri Kovelenov for putting up with my questions regarding Blend4Web. Also thanks to anyone else who's worked on Blender, Clojure, and Clojurescript.