python-firebase has been unmaintained for years and is no longer supported. Please consider using another library instead. by Michael Huynh (
A very simple wrapper for Firebase's REST API.
Install python-firebase using pip:
pip install -e git://
or with easy_install (not recommended):
Note that python-firebase depends on requests (, a REST/http client for python. If you used pip or easy_install, the dependency should automatically be installed.
Then simply import firebase at the top of your python script:
from firebase import Firebase
and then instantiate Firebase, passing in your root url:
f = Firebase('')
You may optionaly pass a Firebase authentication token to secure your calls:
f = Firebase('', auth_token="<my_firebase_auth_token>")
Now call the different methods of the Firebase class (see the Firebase REST API page: and the source of
for what methods are available and how to call them). For example, to push a list of data:f = Firebase('') r = f.push({'user_id': 'wilma', 'text': 'Hello'})
The response
is a dictionary containing Firebase's REST response:{"name":"-INOQPH-aV_psbk3ZXEX"}
django-firebase is BSD licensed.