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Add Vuepress documentation to your existing project with one command


First, you must install NodeJS then you can add Vuepress to your existing project using this command:

$ npx vuepressify init

or you can install globally

$ npm i -g vuepressify
$ vuepressify init

and then it will ask you several question.

You can generate new docs with this commands too.

$ vuepressify --generate newDocs --loc myDocs

or you can simply like this

$ vuepressify -g newDocs --l myDocs

flag generate is required if you want to generate new docs and loc is optional by default it will set to docs folder

$ vuepressify --help

    $ vuepressify init
    $ vuperessify <options>

    --generate=pagename,   -g    generate new page/docs
    --loc=value,        -l    set location for generate new docs. default is *docs*
    --help                    show available commands
    --version                 show vuepressify version

    $ vuepressify --generate=new_docs
    $ vuepressify --generate=new_docs --loc=documentation

How to run documentation

It already added script to your package.json. more detail read this Just run npm run docs:dev to see it in your browser.

  "scripts": {
    "docs:dev": "vuepress dev docs",
    "docs:build": "vuepress build docs"

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MIT © Muhammad Rivki