AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins
- File explorer with Neo-tree
- Autocompletion with Cmp
- Git integration with Gitsigns
- Statusline with Heirline
- Terminal with Toggleterm
- Fuzzy finding with Telescope
- Syntax highlighting with Treesitter
- Formatting and linting with Null-ls
- Language Server Protocol with Native LSP
- Debug Adapter Protocol with nvim-dap
- Buffer Line with bufferline.nvim
- Nerd Fonts (Optional with manual intervention: See Documentation on customizing icons)
- Neovim 0.8 (Not including nightly)
- Tree-sitter CLI (Note: This is only necessary if you want to use
feature with Treesitter) - A clipboard tool is necessary for the integration with the system clipboard (see
:help clipboard-tool
for supported solutions) - Terminal with true color support (for the default theme, otherwise it is dependent on the theme you are using)
- Optional Requirements:
- ripgrep - live grep telescope search (
) - lazygit - git ui toggle terminal (
) - go DiskUsage() - disk usage toggle terminal (
) - bottom - process viewer toggle terminal (
) - Python - python repl toggle terminal (
) - Node - node repl toggle terminal (
- ripgrep - live grep telescope search (
Note when using default theme: For MacOS, the default terminal does not have true color support. You will need to use iTerm2 or another terminal emulator that has true color support.
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak
git clone ~/.config/nvim
nvim +PackerSync
Enter :LspInstall
followed by the name of the server you want to install
Example: :LspInstall pyright
Enter :TSInstall
followed by the name of the language you want to install
Example: :TSInstall python
Enter :DapInstall
followed by the name of the debugger you want to install
Example: :DapInstall python
Run :PackerClean
to remove any disabled or unused plugins
Run :PackerSync
to update and clean plugins
Run :AstroUpdate
to get the latest updates from the repository
AstroNvim Documentation Core AstroNvim LUA API Documentation
- Basic Usage is given for basic usage
- Default Mappings more about the default key bindings
- Default Plugin Configuration more about the provided plugin defaults
- Advanced Configuration more about advanced configuration
There have been some great review videos released by members of the community! Here are a few:
- Why I'm quitting VIM by Carlos Mafla (Content By: @gigo6000)
- Astro Vim - All in one Nvim config!! by John McBride (Content By: @jpmcb)
Sincere appreciation to the following repositories, plugin authors and the entire neovim community out there that made the development of AstroNvim possible.