Results of SRIM simulations for different projectiles on an uranium dioxide target. Python scripts are provided in each folder to analyse and get the plots of the energy to recoil, range, collision events and ionization. Use the booleans in the script to change the ordinate axis of collision events from number/angstroms to DPA. range can also be modified to display the concentration of projectiles in the target.
Provided in this repository:
- Data of a 4.2 MeV Helium, 70 KeV Thorium, and two fissions fragments (95 MeV Krypton and 67 MeV Barium) on a UO2 target. Calculations are done in full cascade mode.
- Python scripts in each folders, using Pysrim, to convert and analyse the outputs of SRIM.
Use an old version of yaml, type:
$ pip install PyYaml==5.1