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Code and data for the research team scraping charter websites using scrapy, requests, Selenium, and wget with Python, shell, and Docker. This is the foundation of analyses into charter schools' linguistic strategies and social implications.

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Web-Scraping with Scrapy and multiprocessing

This repo provides a fast, scalable web-crawling pipeline that uses Python Scrapy spiders to collect and parse text, images, and files (with .pdf, .doc, and .docx extensions) into a MongoDB database. It uses Docker to split a list of input URLs into 100-line chunks, then runs each chunk in parallel using Python's multiprocessing package. It's a faster and more advanced application of the code in these more beginner-friendly scraping applications. That repo also has lots of utilities, intro scripts, and other spider code to explore.

The core web scraping script is schools/schools/spiders/ and the main settings are in schools/schools/ See below for usage notes and running instructions.

Usage notes

Our spiders use scrapy's LinkExtractor to recursively gather website links (to a given depth)--meaning that they crawl not just the a given input URL, but also those links it finds that start with that. For instance, if you feed it, it will scrape but not '' or other places outside the given root domain. Our spiders also use BeautifulSoup and textract (for file text extraction).

The default setup loads URLs to scrape from schools/schools/spiders/test_urls.tsv. The simplest way to feed the spider new URLs is by updating this file. However, it's simple to redirect the spider to a new file--like the full URL lists of 6K+ charter schools from 2019 (in schools/schools/spiders/charter_schools_URLs_2019.tsv) or 100K public schools from 2021 (in schools/schools/spiders/public_schools_URLs_2021.tsv).

You'll get best results if you deploy the spider from within a scrapy project, like in our schools/ folder. We've fine-tuned the,,, and configurations (all under schools/schools/), and draws on these.

Installation and settings

If you haven't already, install Docker, MongoDB, and Redis.

We suggest working within a virtual environment to avoid version conflicts. To do so, run the following commands from the main floor of this repository:

# Create and start a virtual environment for Python dependencies.
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

For MongoDB to work appropriately, ensure that:

'schools.pipelines.MongoDBPipeline': 300

is one of the key-value pairs of ITEM_PIPELINES in schools/schools/ by uncommenting the line.

Furthermore, ensure that in schools/schools/

# This next line must NOT be commented
MONGO_URI = 'mongodb://localhost:27017'
# This next line is commented.
# MONGO_URI = 'mongodb://mongodb_container:27017'

# The next line also must NOT be commented
MONGO_DATABASE = 'schoolSpider'

This will save data behind the scenes to a MongoDB database named "schoolSpider" (feel free to change this database name). Data inside MongoDB is persisted through a volume defined in docker-compose.yml. The data is also reflected in files in a folder called mongodata_test; as scraping jobs progress, this folder should get bigger.

IMPORTANT: You will also need to set the "MONGO_USERNAME" and "MONGO_PASSWORD" properties in order to connect to MongoDB. The defaults are "admin" and "mdipass", and we strongly suggest you customize these credentials and keep them private.

Creating containers and running the web scraper

Make sure you don't have a currently running mongodb_container; if you do, stop and remove it.

Then build the MongoDB and Redis containers by running these steps from /web_scraping:

# build the containers and run in the background
docker-compose up --build -d
# use this shutdown when finished
docker-compose down

From scrapy/schools/, build the scrapy container by running:

docker build . -t schoolcrawler;

IMPORTANT: For use in the next step, note the container ID for the scrapy container. If you miss it, check docker ps -a to find it. (If needed, you can always do the previous step again to create a new container with a new ID.)

Finally, run the spiders with:

docker run --network='host' containerid; 

From here, you can track progress by following that container's logs (using its containerid):

docker logs containerid --follow

Navigating the MongoDB container

The Mongo container can be easily accessed by "exec"ing into the container:

docker exec -it mongodb_container bash

Note: if running on a Windows machine, you will need to prefix that command with 'winpty'

From there, you can enter mongo to start the Mongo CLI within the container. Below are some commands to help you navigate MongoDB.

# commands to authenticate
use admin # authenticate as admin
db.auth("admin", "mdipass") # replace these with your own username and PW

# commands to query databases
show dbs # show databases to explore
use databaseName # select a database to check, e.g., schoolSpider
db.outputItems.findOne() # query one doc from `outputItems` collection of DB (collection names may vary), shows _id (guide)
db.outputItems.find() # show all docs in DB, shows _id
db.outputItems.count() # count docs in DB

# Commands to query specific _id in DB
db.outputItems.findById("_id":someid) # get all docs with id

# Commands to dump and restore data
mongodump --host=ourhostip --port=27000 --username=admin --password="ourPassword" --out=/path/to/target/dir # dump a DB backup to remote (docs)
docker cp mongodb:/vol_b/data/ /path/to/dir/ # copy data from mongodb container to disk
mongorestore --port=27000 --username=admin --password="ourPassword" dump/ # restore from mongo dump to container (docs)

CAUTION: We often find big crawl jobs quickly add a lot of data to container files in subfolders of /var/lib/docker/overlay2/ and/or log files in subfolders of /var/lib/docker/containers/. We continue to resolve these kinds of storage obstacles. Keep an eye on your disk storage and delete things as necessary.

Export data from MongoDB container to local virtual machine

After the crawling prcoess, data will be saved in the MongoDB container of Docker. To export it to local virtual machine:

# use docker command with mongoexport
docker exec -it mongodb_container mongoexport --authenticationDatabase admin --username admin --password mdipass --db schoolSpider --collection text --out ./text.json

# if try to export the whole database instead of just one collection, we can use mongodump
docker exec -it mongodb_container mongodump --authenticationDatabase admin --username admin --password mdipass --db schoolSpider --out output

# go to container bash
docker exec -it mongodb_container bash

# move files from container to local virtual machine
sudo docker cp mongodb_container:text.json /vol_c/data/crawled_output_2022

Save data from virtual machine to google drive

We can use rclone to transfer data from virtual machine to google drive with the command:

sudo rclone copy text.json output_drive:

# or we don't need to specify the file name
sudo rclone copy . output_drive:

If you haven't installed rclone, please follow the whole process below.

# install rclone on the virtual machine
curl | sudo bash

rclone works around the concept of remotes. A remote is … a logical name for a remote storage. In our case, we will be syncing with a google drive location called “output_drive”.

# configure the remote location
rclone config

In the configuration page,

  • choose New Remote and give it a name like output_drive
  • choose the number for Google Drive
  • skip client_id & client_secret
  • choose 1 Full Access
  • enter the root folder of that remote location: get the id from google drive and cut & paste the folder ID in the configuration screen
  • don’t enter a “service_account”, we’ll use the interactive login screen.
  • don’t enter Advanced Configuration
  • Use auto config? -No
  • There will be an url shown on the terminal. Pase the url in your browser and follow the usual Google Drive authorization flow
  • paste the code from Google Drive authorization in the configurator
  • Team Drive? -No
  • Finally choose Yes this is OK

After creating a rclone remote, use it to transfer data from virtual machine to google drive

sudo rclone copy text.json output_drive:

Save data from google drive to virtual machine

# sudo rclone copy output_drive:"the file/folder we want to copy" "the path we want to save the file/folder"
sudo rclone copy output_drive:text.json text

# in the example, we want to copy the file text.json in google drive and save it in the current path within the folder named test

For detailed reference: rclone

Evaluate crawling output


after crawling process finished, go to page ./schools and use script: python3

it will show the number of unique original urls, the number of unique scraped urls, and the overlap between them.

Following is the evaluation output for charter school urls: Unique Original URLs #: 4986 Unique Scraped URLs #: 785 Difference in Original and Scraped URLs: 420

Script description

  • read the original file
  • use tldextract to extract original domains
  • connect to mongodb database
  • extract scraped domain from text/otherItems collection
  • count unique scraped urls
  • calculate the differences between unique original urls and unique scraped urls


Under following situations, we need to update the script:

  • port change
  • mongodb username change
  • mongodb password change
  • mongodb collection name change
  • the path for the scraped file change

Read Json and Bson file in Python

After saving data into google drive, we can download and read them into python with the library json and bson. For example,

import json
# Opening JSON file
f = open('text.json')
# returns JSON object as a dictionary
data = json.load(f)
# Iterating through the json list
for i in data['url']:
# Closing file
import bson
with open('files.chunks.bson','rb') as f:
    data = bson.decode_all(

If you meet the error module 'bson' has no attribute 'BSON', it's possibly because you have both bson and pymongo installed. Importing bson will only import the pymongo version (e.g. bson.loads() is not accessible, thus the bson packages are not merged together). You would need to uninstall pymongo just to get the import bson from here again and not the pymongo import bson package.

pip uninstall bson
pip install pybson
import pybson as bson


Code and data for the research team scraping charter websites using scrapy, requests, Selenium, and wget with Python, shell, and Docker. This is the foundation of analyses into charter schools' linguistic strategies and social implications.






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  • Python 97.3%
  • Shell 2.2%
  • Dockerfile 0.5%