Hello openGauss-third_party
This repository is used to placed all opensource softwares depended by openGauss-server.
It will be used as submodule in the openGauss-server repository.
These opensource files are processed by following ways: 1. code reference directly, such as masstree 2. build to generate dynamic or staic library.
There are four directories, a. build directory includes scripts that can build all of the third-party that we depend on. b. buildtools includes the build tools used to compile these opensources and openGauss-server. c. dependency includes all depended opensource files of openGauss-server. d. platform includes the opensource software from Huawei company.
See the following command to build opensources to generate binarylibs directory which is used when building openGauss-server. After you git clone this reposity, git lfs pull is needed. We assume that you already have autoconf, gcc, gcc-c++ installed. Before you build our binarylibs, the following is required:
Also, gcc 8.2.0 source code is needed, which shoud be put in buildtools/gcc/, whose file name may be gcc-8.2.0.tar.gz or gcc-8.2.0.zip, consider downloading it from gcc-8.2.0.zip or gcc-8.2.0.tar.gz After all of above, you should change default python version to python3.x. For generating all of binarylibs in one steps
cd build
sh build_all.sh
To generate one of buildtools, dependency or platform
cd module/build
sh build.sh
To generate binarylibs which you want as:
cd dependency/${module}
sh build.sh -m all
The binarylibs will be installed on the same directory of openGauss-third_party, which name is binarylibs