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cohttp-eio(header): alternate Header API based on objects
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bikallem committed Jan 18, 2023
1 parent 884ad4a commit 73da9b8
Showing 1 changed file with 259 additions and 6 deletions.
265 changes: 259 additions & 6 deletions cohttp-eio/src/
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ type 'a header +=
type (_, _) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq

exception Decoder_undefined of string
exception Encoder_undefined of string
exception Id_undefined of string

module type HEADER = sig
Expand All @@ -31,7 +32,264 @@ module type HEADER = sig
val encoder : 'a t -> ('a -> string) option

module type S = sig
type id = string
type 'a decoder = string -> 'a
type 'a encoder = 'a -> string
type name = string (* Header name, e.g. Date, Content-Length etc *)
type value = string (* Header value, eg 10, text/html, chunked etc *)

(** [header_definition] defines ['a header] functionality. An instance of this
class is required for those wishing to use custom headers in their
application. *)
class virtual header_definition =
method virtual header : 'a. string -> 'a header option
method virtual id : 'a. 'a header -> id option
method virtual equal : 'a 'b. 'a header -> 'b header -> ('a, 'b) eq option
method virtual decoder : 'a. 'a header -> 'a decoder option
method virtual encoder : 'a. 'a header -> (name * 'a encoder) option

let int_decoder v = int_of_string v
let int_encoder v = string_of_int v

(* Transfer-Encoding decoder and encoder. *)
let te_decoder v =
String.split_on_char ',' v
|> String.trim
|> List.filter (fun s -> s <> "")
|> (fun te ->
match te with
| "chunked" -> `chunked
| "compress" -> `compress
| "deflate" -> `deflate
| "gzip" -> `gzip
| v -> failwith @@ "Invalid 'Transfer-Encoding' value " ^ v)

let te_encoder v =
| `chunked -> "chunked"
| `compress -> "compress"
| `deflate -> "deflate"
| `gzip -> "gzip")
|> String.concat ", "

let constructor_name hdr =
let nm = Obj.Extension_constructor.of_val hdr in nm

(* Defines header definition for headers included in this module, such as
Content-Length, Transfer-Encoding and so on. If a typed defnition for a header is not given, then 'Hdr h' is used. *)
let default_header_def : header_definition =
method header : type a. string -> a header option =
| "content-length" -> Some (Obj.magic Content_length)
| "transfer-encoding" -> Some (Obj.magic Transfer_encoding)
| h -> Some (Obj.magic (Hdr h))

method id : type a. a header -> id option =
| Content_length -> Some "content-length"
| Transfer_encoding -> Some "transfer-encoding"
| Hdr h -> Some h
| _ -> None

method equal : type a b. a header -> b header -> (a, b) eq option =
fun a b ->
match (a, b) with
| Content_length, Content_length -> Some Eq
| Transfer_encoding, Transfer_encoding -> Some Eq
| Hdr a, Hdr b -> if String.equal a b then Some Eq else None
| _, _ -> None

method decoder : type a. a header -> a decoder option =
| Content_length -> Some int_decoder
| Transfer_encoding -> Some te_decoder
| Hdr _ -> Some
| _ -> None

method encoder : type a. a header -> (name * a encoder) option =
| Content_length -> Some ("Content-Length", int_encoder)
| Transfer_encoding -> Some ("Transfer-Encoding", te_encoder)
| Hdr name -> Some (name,
| _ -> None

(* ['a header_t] represents HTTP header behaviour which may combines the user given header definition with
default_header definition. *)
type 'a header_t =
< decode : 'a. 'a header -> name -> 'a lazy_t
; encode : 'a. 'a header -> 'a -> name * value
; equal : 'a 'b. 'a header -> 'b header -> ('a, 'b) eq option
; header : 'a. name -> 'a header
; id : 'a. 'a header -> name >

(* raise errors *)
let err_id_undefined hdr = raise @@ Id_undefined (constructor_name hdr)

let err_decoder_undefined hdr =
raise @@ Decoder_undefined (constructor_name hdr)

let err_encoder_undefined hdr =
raise @@ Encoder_undefined (constructor_name hdr)

(** [default_header_t] is the optimized version of ['a header t] based ONLY on
[default_header_def]. This is the version used when user defined
[header_definition] is not given in 'create' function below. *)
let default_header_t : 'a header_t =
method header : type a. string -> a header =
fun s ->
match default_header_def#header s with
| Some x -> x
| None -> assert false

method id : type a. a header -> id =
fun hdr ->
match default_header_def#id hdr with
| Some x -> x
| None -> err_id_undefined hdr

method equal : type a b. a header -> b header -> (a, b) eq option =
fun a b -> default_header_def#equal a b

method decode : type a. a header -> string -> a Lazy.t =
fun hdr v ->
match default_header_def#decoder hdr with
| Some decode -> lazy (decode v)
| None -> err_decoder_undefined hdr

method encode : type a. a header -> a -> name * string =
fun hdr v ->
match default_header_def#encoder hdr with
| Some (name, encode) -> (name, encode v)
| None -> err_encoder_undefined hdr

(** [make_header_t] creates [' header_t] based on given user defined
[header_definition] and [default_header_def]. When trying to determine id,
decoder, and encoder for a given header, user provided [header_definition]
is first tried. If one is not found, then [default_header_def] is tried. If
both attempts results in [None], then an appropriate exception is thrown. *)
let make_header_t : #header_definition -> 'a header_t =
let val_of_opt_pair first_opt_f second_opt_f v err_f =
match first_opt_f v with
| Some x -> x
| None -> ( match second_opt_f v with Some x -> x | None -> err_f v)
fun header_def ->
method header : type a. string -> a header =
fun s ->
val_of_opt_pair header_def#header default_header_def#header s
(fun _s -> assert false)

method id : type a. a header -> id =
fun hdr ->
val_of_opt_pair header_def#id default_header_def#id hdr

method equal : type a b. a header -> b header -> (a, b) eq option =
fun a b ->
match header_def#equal a b with
| Some _ as s -> s
| None -> default_header_def#equal a b

method decode : type a. a header -> string -> a Lazy.t =
fun hdr v ->
let decode =
val_of_opt_pair header_def#decoder default_header_def#decoder hdr
lazy (decode v)

method encode : type a. a header -> a -> name * string =
fun hdr v ->
let name, encode =
val_of_opt_pair header_def#encoder default_header_def#encoder hdr
(name, encode v)

type v = V : 'a header * 'a Lazy.t -> v (* Header values are stored lazily. *)
type binding = B : 'a header * 'a -> binding
type mapper = { f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a -> 'a }

module M = Map.Make (String)

type t = { header_t : 'a header_t; m : v M.t }

let create : ?header_def:header_definition -> unit -> t =
fun ?header_def () ->
let header_t =
match header_def with
| Some header_def -> make_header_t header_def
| None -> default_header_t
{ header_t; m = M.empty }

let add_string_val k s t =
let key = t.header_t#id k in
let m = M.add key (V (k, t.header_t#decode k s)) t.m in
{ t with m }

let add_key_val ~key ~value t =
let k = t.header_t#header key in
let m = M.add key (V (k, t.header_t#decode k value)) t.m in
{ t with m }

let add k v t =
let m = M.add (t.header_t#id k) (V (k, lazy v)) t.m in
{ t with m }

let find : type a. a header -> t -> a =
fun k t ->
let key = t.header_t#id k in
match M.find key t.m with
| V (k', v) -> (
match t.header_t#equal k k' with
| Some Eq -> Lazy.force v
| None -> raise Not_found)

let find_opt k t =
match find k t with v -> Some v | exception Not_found -> None

let iter f t =
M.iter (fun _key v -> match v with V (k, v) -> f @@ B (k, Lazy.force v)) t.m

let map mapper t =
let m =
(fun v ->
match v with
| V (k, v) ->
let v = mapper.f k @@ Lazy.force v in
V (k, lazy v))
{ t with m }

let fold f t =
(fun _key v acc -> match v with V (k, v) -> f (B (k, Lazy.force v)) acc)

let remove key t =
let m = M.remove (t.header_t#id key) t.m in
{ t with m }

let update key f t =
match f (find_opt key t) with None -> remove key t | Some v -> add key v t

module Make (Header : HEADER) : sig
type t
type 'a key
type binding = B : 'a key * 'a -> binding
Expand All @@ -47,11 +305,6 @@ module type S = sig
val fold : (binding -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val remove : 'a key -> t -> t
val update : 'a key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> t -> t

module Make (Header : HEADER) : sig
include S

val add_key_val : key:lowercase_id -> value:string -> t -> t
with type 'a key = 'a Header.t = struct
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