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cohttp-eio: rename Header.undecoded to Header.value
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bikallem committed Feb 6, 2023
1 parent 7ae99c6 commit cf9f79b
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Showing 3 changed files with 57 additions and 64 deletions.
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions cohttp-eio/src/
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@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
type name = string (* Header name, e.g. Date, Content-Length etc *)
type value = string (* Header value, eg 10, text/html, chunked etc *)
type lname = string

let canonical_name nm =
Expand All @@ -14,17 +13,20 @@ type 'a header = ..
type 'a header +=
| Content_length : int header
| Transfer_encoding : [ `chunked | `compress | `deflate | `gzip ] list header
| H : lname -> value header
| H : lname -> string header

type 'a encoder = 'a -> value
type 'a decoder = value -> 'a
type 'a undecoded_state = Decoded of 'a | Undecoded of 'a Lazy.t
type 'a undecoded = { v : 'a undecoded_state Atomic.t }
type 'a encoder = 'a -> string
type 'a decoder = string -> 'a
type 'a value_state = Decoded of 'a | Undecoded of 'a Lazy.t

let undecoded : type a. a Lazy.t -> a undecoded =
(* We need to encode this into a record so that it plays nice with GADT.
Basically, this doesn't seem to work : type 'a value = 'a value_state Atomic.t *)
type 'a value = { v : 'a value_state Atomic.t }

let value : type a. a Lazy.t -> a value =
fun v -> { v = Atomic.make (Undecoded v) }

let rec decode : type a. a undecoded -> a =
let rec decode : type a. a value -> a =
fun v ->
match Atomic.get v.v with
| Decoded x -> x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ class codec =

let name (c : #codec) = c#name

type v = V : 'a header * 'a undecoded -> v
type v = V : 'a header * 'a value -> v

class virtual t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,17 +145,17 @@ let make code = make_n code []

let of_name_values (c : #codec) l =
(fun (name, value) ->
(fun (name, v) ->
let h = c#header (lname name) in
let v = undecoded (lazy (c#decoder h value)) in
let v = value (lazy (c#decoder h v)) in
V (h, v))
|> make_n c

let length (t : #t) = List.length t#to_list

let add_lazy (type a) (t : t) (h : a header) v =
let v = undecoded v in
let v = value v in
t#modify (fun l -> V (h, v) :: l)

let add (type a) (t : t) (h : a header) v = add_lazy t h (lazy v)
Expand All @@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ let add_name_value (t : t) ~name ~value =

let encode : type a. t -> a header -> a -> string = fun t h v -> t#encoder h v

let exists (t : #t) (f : < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a undecoded -> bool >) =
let exists (t : #t) (f : < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a value -> bool >) =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> false
| V (h, v) :: tl -> if f#f h v then true else aux tl
Expand All @@ -194,18 +196,17 @@ let find (type a) (t : #t) (h : a header) =
aux t#to_list

let find_all (type a) (t : #t) (h : a header) : a undecoded list =
let find_all (type a) (t : #t) (h : a header) : a value list =
let[@tail_mod_cons] rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| V (h', v) :: tl -> (
match t#equal h h' with
| Some Eq -> (v : a undecoded) :: aux tl
| Some Eq -> (v : a value) :: aux tl
| None -> aux tl)
aux t#to_list

let update (t : #t)
(f : < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a undecoded -> 'a undecoded option >) =
let update (t : #t) (f : < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a value -> 'a value option >) =
(List.filter_map (fun (V (h, v)) ->
let v = f#f h v in
Expand All @@ -225,13 +226,12 @@ let remove (type a) ?(all = false) (t : #t) (h : a header) =

type binding = B : 'a header * 'a undecoded -> binding
type binding = B : 'a header * 'a value -> binding

let iter (t : #t) (f : < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a undecoded -> unit >) =
let iter (t : #t) (f : < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a value -> unit >) =
List.iter (fun (V (h, v)) -> f#f h v) t#to_list

let fold_left (t : #t) (f : < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a undecoded -> 'b -> 'b >)
acc =
let fold_left (t : #t) (f : < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a value -> 'b -> 'b >) acc =
List.fold_left (fun acc (V (h, v)) -> f#f h v acc) acc t#to_list

let to_seq (t : #t) =
Expand Down
54 changes: 25 additions & 29 deletions cohttp-eio/src/header.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ type lname = private string
[Content-Type -> content-type], [Date -> date],
[Transfer-Encoding -> transfer-encoding] etc. See {!val:lname}. *)

type value = string
(** [value] is an untyped HTTP header value, eg 10, text/html, chunked etc *)

val canonical_name : string -> name
(** [canonical_name s] converts [s] to a canonical header name value. See
{!type:name}. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,30 +47,31 @@ type 'a header = ..
type 'a header +=
| Content_length : int header
| Transfer_encoding : [ `chunked | `compress | `deflate | `gzip ] list header
| H : lname -> value header (** A generic header. *)
| H : lname -> string header (** A generic header. *)

(** {1 Codec - Header Encoder & Decoder} *)

type 'a encoder = 'a -> value
type 'a encoder = 'a -> string
(** [encoder] converts a typed value ['a] to its string representation. *)

type 'a decoder = value -> 'a
type 'a decoder = string -> 'a
(** [decoder] converts {!type:value} to type ['a]. To denote an error while
decoding, an OCaml exception value is raised. *)

type 'a undecoded
(** ['a undecoded] represents a lazy value that is as yet undecoded. See
{!val:decode}. *)
type 'a value
(** ['a value] represents a HTTP header value that is lazily created.
See {!val:decode}. *)

val undecoded : 'a Lazy.t -> 'a undecoded
(** [undecoded lazy_val] creates an {!type:undecoded} value.
val value : 'a Lazy.t -> 'a value
(** [value lazy_val] creates a {!type:value} value.
Header.undecoded (lazy (int_of_string "20"))
Header.value (lazy (int_of_string "20"))
]} *)

val decode : 'a undecoded -> 'a
(** [decode codec v] decodes [v].
val decode : 'a value -> 'a
(** [decode v] decodes [v].
@raise exn if decoding results in an error. *)

Expand All @@ -92,8 +90,8 @@ type (_, _) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
Users looking to combine both custom headers and headers defined in this
module are recommended to inherit this class.
{i Example} Here we define two custom headers [Header1] and [Header2] and
implement codec for it in object [custom_codec].
Here we define two custom headers [Header1] and [Header2] and implement
codec for it in object [custom_codec].
type 'a Header.header +=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,23 +196,23 @@ val add_lazy : t -> 'a header -> 'a Lazy.t -> unit
val add : t -> 'a header -> 'a -> unit
(** [add t h v] add header [h] and its corresponding typed value [v] to [t].*)

val add_value : t -> 'a header -> value -> unit
val add_value : t -> 'a header -> string -> unit
(** [add_value t h s] adds header [h] and its corresponding untyped, undecoded
string value to [t].*)

val add_name_value : t -> name:lname -> value:value -> unit
val add_name_value : t -> name:lname -> value:string -> unit
(** [add_name_value t ~name ~value] lazily (i.e. undecoded) add header with
[name] and [value] to [t]. *)

(** {1 Encode} *)

val encode : t -> 'a header -> 'a -> value
val encode : t -> 'a header -> 'a -> string
(** [encode codec h v] encodes the value of header [h]. The encoder is used as
defined in [codec]. *)

(** {1 Find} *)

val exists : t -> < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a undecoded -> bool > -> bool
val exists : t -> < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a value -> bool > -> bool
(** [exists t f] iterates over [t] and applies [f#f h v] where [h] and [v] are
respectively header and undecoded value as it exists in [t]. It returns
[true] if any of the items in [t] returns [true] for [f#f h v].
Expand All @@ -231,16 +229,15 @@ val find : t -> 'a header -> 'a
@raise Not_found if [h] is not found in [t].
@raise exn if decoding [h] results in an error. *)

val find_all : t -> 'a header -> 'a undecoded list
val find_all : t -> 'a header -> 'a value list
(** [find_all t h] is a list of undecoded values [v] corresponding to header
[h]. It is an empty list if [h] doesn't exist in [t].
See {!val:decode} to decode [v]. *)

(** {1 Update, Remove} *)

val update :
t -> < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a undecoded -> 'a undecoded option > -> unit
val update : t -> < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a value -> 'a value option > -> unit
(** [update t f] iterates over [t] and applies [f#f h v] to each element. [h]
and [v] are respectively header and undecoded value as it exists in [t]. If
[f#f h v = Some v'] then the value of [h] is updated to [v']. If [None] then
Expand All @@ -259,17 +256,16 @@ val remove : ?all:bool -> t -> 'a header -> unit

(** [binding] represents a typed header and its corresponding undecoded value.
See {!type:undecoded} and {!val:decode}. *)
type binding = B : 'a header * 'a undecoded -> binding
See {!type:value} and {!val:decode}. *)
type binding = B : 'a header * 'a value -> binding

val iter : t -> < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a undecoded -> unit > -> unit
val iter : t -> < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a value -> unit > -> unit
(** [iter t f] iterates over [t] and applies [f#f h v] where [h] and [v] are
respectively header and undecoded value as it exists in [t].
See {!val:decode} to decode [v]. *)

val fold_left :
t -> < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a undecoded -> 'b -> 'b > -> 'b -> 'b
val fold_left : t -> < f : 'a. 'a header -> 'a value -> 'b -> 'b > -> 'b -> 'b
(** [fold_left t f acc] folds over [t] and applies [f#f h v acc] where [h] and
[v] are respectively header and undecoded value as it exists in [t].
Expand All @@ -280,7 +276,7 @@ val to_seq : t -> binding Seq.t
See {!val:decode} to decode [v]. *)

val to_name_values : t -> (name * value) list
val to_name_values : t -> (name * string) list
(** [to_name_values t] a list of [(name,value)] tuple.
@raise exn if decoding any of the values results in an error. *)
25 changes: 11 additions & 14 deletions cohttp-eio/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -179,14 +179,14 @@ val t3 : Header.t = <obj>

# let f = object
method f: type a. a Header.header -> a Header.undecoded -> bool =
method f: type a. a Header.header -> a Header.value -> bool =
fun t v ->
let v = Header.decode v in
match t, v with
| Header.Content_length, 200 -> true
| _ -> false
end ;;
val f : < f : 'a. 'a Header.header -> 'a Header.undecoded -> bool > = <obj>
val f : < f : 'a. 'a Header.header -> 'a Header.value -> bool > = <obj>
# Header.exists t f ;;
- : bool = true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,19 +245,17 @@ Apply `update`.

# let f = object
method f: type a. a Header.header -> a Header.undecoded -> a Header.undecoded option =
method f: type a. a Header.header -> a Header.value -> a Header.value option =
fun h v ->
let v' = Header.decode v in
match h, v' with
| Header.Content_length, 200 -> Some (Header.undecoded (lazy 2000))
| Header.H nm, "20" when ((nm :> string) = "age") -> Some (Header.undecoded (lazy "40"))
| Header.Content_length, 200 -> Some (Header.value (lazy 2000))
| Header.H nm, "20" when ((nm :> string) = "age") -> Some (Header.value (lazy "40"))
| Header.H nm, "blah2" when ((nm :> string) = "blah2") -> None
| _ -> Some v
val f :
< f : 'a.
'a Header.header ->
'a Header.undecoded -> 'a Header.undecoded option > =
< f : 'a. 'a Header.header -> 'a Header.value -> 'a Header.value option > =
# Header.update t f ;;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,7 +289,7 @@ val f :
- : unit = ()
# Header.(find_all t (H blah)) ;;
- : string Header.undecoded list = []
- : string Header.value list = []
# Header.length t ;;
- : int = 4
Expand All @@ -303,14 +301,14 @@ val f :

# let f = object
method f: type a. a Header.header -> a Header.undecoded -> unit =
method f: type a. a Header.header -> a Header.value -> unit =
fun h v ->
let v = Header.decode v in
let value = Header.encode t h v in
let name = ( t h :> string) in
Printf.printf "\n%s: %s" name value
val f : < f : 'a. 'a Header.header -> 'a Header.undecoded -> unit > = <obj>
val f : < f : 'a. 'a Header.header -> 'a Header.value -> unit > = <obj>
# Header.iter t f ;;
Content-Type: text/html
Expand All @@ -326,7 +324,7 @@ We get a list of headers in string form using `fold_left`.

# let f = object
method f: type a. a Header.header -> a Header.undecoded -> 'b -> 'b =
method f: type a. a Header.header -> a Header.value -> 'b -> 'b =
fun h v acc ->
let v = Header.decode v in
match h with
Expand All @@ -337,8 +335,7 @@ We get a list of headers in string form using `fold_left`.
val f :
< f : 'a.
'a Header.header ->
'a Header.undecoded ->
(string * string) list -> (string * string) list > =
'a Header.value -> (string * string) list -> (string * string) list > =
# Header.fold_left t f [];;
Expand Down

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