Scripts for burp scripter
This scrits are used to modify burp suite outgoing requests with Burp python scripter extension.
For example: if you havea cookie: _csrf=someprefix%3aTzoxODoiUEhQIjoxOntzOjY6ImluamVjdCI7czoxNzoic3lzdGVtKCcvdXNyL2Jpbi9zbGVlcCAxMCcpOyI7%3asomesuffix
(after decoding: _csrf=someprefix:O:18:"PHP":1:{s:6:"inject";s:17:"system('/usr/bin/sleep 10');";:somesuffix)
and you want to fuzz some fields inside it...
You may use this cookie in cleartext in repeater and set FUZZ "brackets":
_csrf=someprefix%3aFUZZO:18:"PHP":1:{s:6:"inject";s:17:"system('/usr/bin/sleep 10');";FUZZ%3asomesuffix
So all inside FUZZ "brackets" will be encoded or based (accourding processParam function)
The other useful scripts you may to view in lanmaster53 gist: