This is Circuit Breaker, an interactive Nintendo Switch hacking toolkit.
Install Circuit Breaker through RubyGems.
$ gem install circuitbreaker
Alternatively, you can clone the repository.
$ git clone
$ cd CircuitBreaker/
$ bundle
There are currently two backends implemented: Faron, and Lanayru. Faron works with ELF core dumps from Twili, whereas Lanayru connects through Twili and debugs an active process running on hardware.
This gem provides executables for each backend.
$ faron coredump.elf # takes a path to a core dump
[1] pry(#<CircuitBreaker::Faron::InteractiveDSL>)> quit
$ lanayru 0x57 # takes a process ID
[1] pry(#<CircuitBreaker::Faron::InteractiveDSL>)>
If you are working with a checked out repo, use bundle exec
$ bundle exec faron coredump.elf
Until I write new documentation, refer to the old verion's README.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at