A package that runs on top of react-forms and provides a ratings input field. The package uses material-ui/lab and is somewhat experimental in the sense material-ui/lab is experimental.
- react-forms
- formik
- lodash
- material-ui/lab
- material-ui/core
To use the basic component add the following to your react-forms config:
fieldProps:{ }
and add this import statement to the same file:
import 'rf-ratings'
The component runs on top of the Rating component from material-ui/lab and the fieldProps can take the following properties:
ratingProps: RatingProps,
icons?: JSX.Element[]
labels?: string[]
header?: string
headerProps?: TypographyProps
containerProps?: BoxProps
ratingProps are passed to the native rating component and header is displayed like a label by default. icons will specify the icons to be used for rating. If you intend to use more or less than 5 icons, you will also have to specify the max property. If you intend to use only 1 icon for all the ratings, then icons can be set to an array with a single item.