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Artifact source and scripts for the paper "Fast Local Page-Tables for Virtualized NUMA Servers with vMitosis"


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vMitosis ASPLOS'21 Artifact Evaluation

This repository contains scripts and other supplementary material for the ASPLOS'21 artifact evaluation of the paper Fast Local Page-Tables for Virtualized NUMA Servers with vMitosis by Ashish Panwar, Reto Achermann, Arkaprava Basu, Abhishek Bhattacharjee, K. Gopinath and Jayneel Gandhi.

The scripts can be used to reproduce the figures in the paper.


  • Ashish Panwar (Indian Institute of Science)
  • Reto Achermann (ETH Zurich and University of British Columbia)
  • Arkaprava Basu (Indian Institute of Science)
  • Abhishek Bhattacharjee (Yale University)
  • K. Gopinath (Indian Institute of Science)
  • Jayneel Gandhi (VMware Research)


See LICENSE file.

Directory Structure

  • precompiled contains the downloaded binaries
  • build contains the locally compiled binaries
  • sources contains the source code of the binaries
  • datasets contains the datasets required for the binaries
  • scripts contains scripts to run the experiments
  • bin points to the used binaries for the evaluation (you can use scripts/ to switch between precompiled and locally compined binaries)

Hardware Dependencies

Some of the workingset sizes of the workloads are hardcoded in the binaries. To run them, you need to have a multi-socket machine with at least 384GB of memory per NUMA node. e.g., 4 socket Intel Xeon Gold 6252 with 24 cores (48 hardware threads) and 384GB memory per-socket (1.5TB total memory).

Software Dependencies

The scripts, compilation and binaries are tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Other Linux distributions may work, but are not tested.

In addition to the packages shipped with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS the following packets are required:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses-dev \
                     bison flex libssl-dev libelf-dev \
                     libnuma-dev python3 python3 python3-pip \
                     python3-matplotlib python3-numpy \
                     git wget kernel-package fakeroot ccache \
                     libncurses5-dev wget pandoc libevent-dev \
                     libreadline-dev python3-setuptools \
		     libtool autoconf automake autotools-dev \
		     pkg-config libev-dev qemu-kvm libvirt-bin \
		     bridge-utils virtinst virt-manager


Just clone the artifact on the machine you want to run it on.

For deploying on a remote machine only.

To deploy the binaries and scripts on a remote machine, just clone the repository locally, and specify the target host-name you want to run the artifact on in ./scripts/ Then run the following script locally.

$ vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/

Pre-Compiled Binaries

This repository also contains the pre-compiled binaries under vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/precompiled. There are several binaries available:

  • bench_* are the benchmarks used in the paper
  • page_table_dump/numactl/ are helper utilities
  • mini_probe/micro_probe are used to discover NUMA topolgy
  • linux-*.deb are the linux kernel image and headers with vMitosis modifications

If you only plan to use the pre-compiled binaries, install vMitosis kernel headers and image, and boot your target machine with vMitosis kernel before running any experiments.

$ dpkg -i precompiled/linux-headers-4.17.0-mitosis+_4.17.0-mitosis+-3_amd64.deb
$ dpkg -i precompiled/linux-image-4.17.0-mitosis+_4.17.0-mitosis+-3_amd64.deb

Obtaining Source Code and Compile

If you don't want to compile from scratch, you can skip this section.

The source code for the Linux kernel and evaluated worloads are available on GitHub and included as public submodules. To obtain the source code, initialize the git submodules.

$ cd vmitosis-asplos21-artifact
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

To compile everything just type make. To compile different binaries individually, type:

  • vMitosis Linux Kernel: make vmitosis-linux
  • vMitosis numactl: make vmitosis-numactl
  • BTree: make btree
  • Canneal: make canneal
  • Graph500: make graph500
  • GUPS: make gups
  • Redis: make redis
  • XSBench: make xsbench
  • memcached: make memcached

Install and Create Virtual Machine Configurations

Install a virtual machine using command line (choose ssh-server when prompted for package installation):

$ virt-install --name vmitosis --ram 4096 --disk path=/home/ashish/vmitosis.qcow2,size=50 --vcpus 4 --os-type linux --os-variant generic --network bridge=virbr0 --graphics none --console pty,target_type=serial --location '' --extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'

Once installed, use the following script to prepare three VM configuration files:

$ vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/ vmitosis

If it works well, skip the rest of this subsection. Otherwise you may have to manually create VM configurations following the instructions provided below.

Copy the default XML configuration file in three files under vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/vmconfigs/:

$ virsh dumpxml vmitosis > vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/vmconfigs/numa-visible.xml
$ virsh dumpxml vmitosis > vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/vmconfigs/numa-oblivious.xml
$ virsh dumpxml vmitosis > vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/vmconfigs/thin.xml

Now, update each configuration file to configure the number of CPUs, memory and NUMA-topology as follows:

  1. numa-visible.xml : Allocate all CPUs and memory. Configure NUMA topology in a way that mirrors the host NUMA topology.
  2. numa-oblivious.xml : Allocate all CPUs and memory. All NUMA related tags shoud be removed to hide the topology from the guest.
  3. thin.xml : Allocate CPUs and memory from a single socket. All NUMA related tags should be removed.

For all these configurations, the following tags are important:

1. <vcpu> </vcpu> -- to update the number of CPUs to be allocated to the VM (all or single socket)
2. <memory> </memory> -- to update the amount of memory to be allocated to the VM (all or single socket)
3. <cputune> <cputune> -- to bind vCPUs to pCPUs
4. <numatune> </numatune> -- to setup the number of guest NUMA nodes (required only for **numa-visible.xml**)
5. <cpu><numa> </numa></cpu> -- to bind vCPUs to guest NUMA nodes (required only for **numa-visible.xml**)

The guest OS needs to be booted with vmitosis kernel image. The same can also be configured with "os" tag in the XML files as follows:

    <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-eoan-hpb'>hvm</type>
    <cmdline>console=ttyS0 root=/dev/sda1</cmdline>
    <boot dev='hd'/>

Refer to vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/vmconfigs/samples/ for all VM configurations used in the paper.

Additional Settings Post VM Installation

  • Setup passwordless authentication between the host and VM (both ways). This can be done, for example, by adding the RSA key of the host user to "$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys" in the guest and vice-versa.

  • Add the host and guest user to sudoers; they should be able to execute sudo without entering password. An example /etc/sudoers entry is shown below:

  • Edit the ip address and user names of the host machine and VM in vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/ in the following fields:
  • Configure the guest OS to auto mount the vmitosis-asplos21-artifact repository on every boot in the same path as it is in the host using a network file system. An example /etc/fstab entry that uses SSHFS is shown below (assuming that the artifact is placed in the home directory of the user):
ashish@ /home/ashish/vmitosis-asplos21-artifact fuse.sshfs identityfile=/home/ashish/.ssh/id_rsa,allow_other,default_permissions 0 0

Evaluation Preparation

To run the evaluations of the paper, you need a suitable machine (see Hardware Dependencies) and you need to boot your machine with vMitosis-Linux installed with the provided Debian packages or by building from the source. Install both --the kernel image and the headers!.

Preparing Datasets

The canneal workload requires a dataset to run (small for Figure-1 and Figure-3, large for Figure-4 and Figure-5). Scripts to download or generate the datasets are placed in vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/datasets/. These datasets require approximately 65GB of disk space. Generate datasets as:

$ vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/datasets/ [small|large]

If the required dataset is not present, it will be generated automatically while executing the experiments.

Running the Experiments

Before you start running the experiments, make sure you fill in the configuration file

To run all experiments, execute (Each experiment takes a while to complete!)

$ vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/

To run the experiments for a single figure, do:

  • Figure-1 - vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/
  • Figure-2 - vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/
  • Figure-3 - vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/
  • Figure-4 - vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/
  • Figure-5 - vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/
  • Figure-6 - vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/

You can also execute each bar of the figures separately by supplying the benchmark and configuration name as follows:

$ vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/ $BENCHMARK $CONFIG

Naming conventions for arguments:

  • Use "small letters" for benchmark name (e.g., btree, xsbench).
  • Use "CAPITAL LETTERS" for configuration name (e.g., LL, RRI).

Refer to the corresponding run scripts for the list of supported benchmarks and configurations.

There are test binaries available to quickly validate the experimental environment. Use "test" as benchmark name in any experiment with any configuration (except Figure-6). For example:

  • vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/ test LL
  • vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/ test FM

All output logs will be redirected to evaluation/measured/data/.

Prepare the Report

When you collected all or partial experimental data, you can compile them to compare against the reference data shown in the paper:

$ vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/

All PDF plots and CSV files from measured and reference data will be redirected to vmitosis-artifact-report/.

Copy the report directory to your desktop machine and open vmitosis-artifact-report/vmitosis.html in your web browser to view the reference and measured plots side by side.

Collecting Experiment Data

In case you used the deploy script, you can execute

$ vmitosis-asplos21-artifact/scripts/

To copy the report from the remote machine to your local one and then view the report in a web browser.

Paper Citation

Ashish Panwar, Reto Achermann, Arkaprava Basu, Abhishek Bhattacharjee, K. Gopinath and Jayneel Gandhi. 2021. Fast Local Page-Tables for Virtualized NUMA Servers with vMitosis. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS ’21), Virtual.


Artifact source and scripts for the paper "Fast Local Page-Tables for Virtualized NUMA Servers with vMitosis"







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