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PaperTrail for Mongoid

See Mongoid versioning rundown

Also see the file mongoid_versioning.txt.rb to see the Mongoid versioning API used here.

PaperTrail lets you track changes to your models' data. It's good for auditing or versioning. You can see how a model looked at any stage in its lifecycle, revert it to any version, and even undelete it after it's been destroyed.

There's an excellent Railscast on implementing Undo with Paper Trail.

Status May, 2011

I am using RSpec to spec the functionality. As per May 6th I am just experimenting but most of the functionality should be pretty close, as the whole versioning aspect is much easier in the Mongoid data model, using a JSON document model for storage. Please help out!

Now I'm using a custom field #trail_version to track the paper trail. The paper_trail functionality should be updated to use this attribute instead of the version attribute. See version_ext for my plan for how to access any previous version based on the #trail_version number. The #next and #previous methods should act relative to that number and then make a clone. Currently something like the following:

def clone_trail_version src_obj << src_obj.clone versions.shift if version_max.present? && versions.length > version_max self.trail_version = (trail_version || 1 ) + 1 @modifications["versions"] = [ nil, versions.as_document ] if @modifications src_obj end


  • Stores every create, update and destroy.
  • Does not store updates which don't change anything.
  • Allows you to specify attributes (by inclusion or exclusion) which must change for a Version to be stored.
  • Allows you to get at every version, including the original, even once destroyed.
  • Allows you to get at every version even if the schema has since changed.
  • Allows you to get at the version as of a particular time.
  • Automatically restores the has_one associations as they were at the time.
  • Automatically records who was responsible via your controller. PaperTrail calls current_user by default, if it exists, but you can have it call any method you like.
  • Allows you to set who is responsible at model-level (useful for migrations).
  • Allows you to store arbitrary model-level metadata with each version (useful for filtering versions).
  • Allows you to store arbitrary controller-level information with each version, e.g. remote IP.
  • Can be turned off/on per class (useful for migrations).
  • Can be turned off/on per request (useful for testing with an external service).
  • Can be turned off/on globally (useful for testing).
  • No configuration necessary.
  • Stores everything in a single database table by default (generates migration for you), or can use separate tables for separate models.
  • Supports custom version classes so different models' versions can have different behaviour.
  • Thoroughly tested.
  • Threadsafe.

Rails Version

Works on Rails 3 (Rails 2.3 not tested)

API Summary

When you declare has_paper_trail in your model, you get these methods:

class Widget
  include Mongoid::Document
  has_paper_trail   # you can pass various options here

# Returns this widget's versions.

# Return the version this widget was reified from, or nil if it is live.

# Returns true if this widget is the current, live one; or false if it is from a previous version.

# Returns who put the widget into its current state.

# Returns the widget (not a version) as it looked at the given timestamp.

# Returns the widget (not a version) as it was most recently.

# Returns the widget (not a version) as it became next.

# Turn PaperTrail off for all widgets.

# Turn PaperTrail on for all widgets.

And a Version instance has these methods:

# Returns the item restored from this version.
version.reify(options = {})

# Returns who put the item into the state stored in this version.

# Returns who changed the item from the state it had in this version.

# Returns the next version.

# Returns the previous version.

# Returns the index of this version in all the versions.

# Returns the event that caused this version (create|update|destroy).

In your controllers you can override these methods:

# Returns the user who is responsible for any changes that occur.
# Defaults to current_user.

# Returns any information about the controller or request that you want
# PaperTrail to store alongside any changes that occur.

Basic Usage

PaperTrail is simple to use. Just add 15 characters to a model to get a paper trail of every create, update, and destroy.

class Widget
  include Mongoid::Document

This gives you a versions method which returns the paper trail of changes to your model.

>> widget = Widget.find 42
>> widget.versions             # [<Version>, <Version>, ...]

Once you have a version, you can find out what happened:

>> v = widget.versions.last
>> v.event                     # 'update' (or 'create' or 'destroy')
>> v.whodunnit                 # '153'  (if the update was via a controller and
                               #         the controller has a current_user method,
                               #         here returning the id of the current user)
>> v.created_at                # when the update occurred
>> widget = v.reify            # the widget as it was before the update;
                               # would be nil for a create event

PaperTrail stores the pre-change version of the model, unlike some other auditing/versioning plugins, so you can retrieve the original version. This is useful when you start keeping a paper trail for models that already have records in the database.

>> widget = Widget.find 153
>>                                 # 'Doobly'

# Add has_paper_trail to Widget model.

>> widget.versions                             # []
>> widget.update_attributes :name => 'Wotsit'
>>            # 'Doobly'
>> widget.versions.first.event                 # 'update'

This also means that PaperTrail does not waste space storing a version of the object as it currently stands. The versions method gives you previous versions; to get the current one just call a finder on your Widget model as usual.

Here's a helpful table showing what PaperTrail stores:

Event Model Before Model After
create nil widget
update widget widget'
destroy widget nil

PaperTrail stores the values in the Model Before column. Most other auditing/versioning plugins store the After column.

Choosing Attributes To Monitor

You can ignore changes to certain attributes like this:

class Article
  include Mongoid::Document
  has_paper_trail :ignore => [:title, :rating]

This means that changes to just the title or rating will not store another version of the article. It does not mean that the title and rating attributes will be ignored if some other change causes a new Version to be crated. For example:

>> a = Article.create
>> a.versions.length                         # 1
>> a.update_attributes :title => 'My Title', :rating => 3
>> a.versions.length                         # 1
>> a.update_attributes :content => 'Hello'
>> a.versions.length                         # 2
>> a.versions.last.reify.title               # 'My Title'

Or, you can specify a list of all attributes you care about:

class Article
  include Mongoid::Document
  has_paper_trail :only => [:title]

This means that only changes to the title will save a version of the article:

>> a = Article.create
>> a.versions.length                         # 1
>> a.update_attributes :title => 'My Title'
>> a.versions.length                         # 2
>> a.update_attributes :content => 'Hello'
>> a.versions.length                         # 2

Passing both :ignore and :only options will result in the article being saved if a changed attribute is included in :only but not in :ignore.

Reverting And Undeleting A Model

PaperTrail makes reverting to a previous version easy:

>> widget = Widget.find 42
>> widget.update_attributes :name => 'Blah blah'
# Time passes....
>> widget = widget.versions.last.reify  # the widget as it was before the update
>>                          # reverted

Alternatively you can find the version at a given time:

>> widget = widget.version_at(  # the widget as it was one day ago
>>                            # reverted

Note version_at gives you the object, not a version, so you don't need to call reify.

Undeleting is just as simple:

>> widget = Widget.find 42
>> widget.destroy
# Time passes....
>> widget = Version.find(153).reify    # the widget as it was before it was destroyed
>>                         # the widget lives!

In fact you could use PaperTrail to implement an undo system, though I haven't had the opportunity yet to do it myself. However Ryan Bates has!

Navigating Versions

You can call previous_version and next_version on an item to get it as it was/became. Note that these methods reify the item for you.

>> widget = Widget.find 42
>> widget.versions.length              # 4 for example
>> widget = widget.previous_version    # => widget == widget.versions.last.reify
>> widget = widget.previous_version    # => widget == widget.versions[-2].reify
>> widget.next_version                 # => widget == widget.versions.last.reify
>> widget.next_version                 # nil

As an aside, I'm undecided about whether widget.versions.last.next_version should return nil or self (i.e. widget). Let me know if you have a view.

If instead you have a particular version of an item you can navigate to the previous and next versions.

>> widget = Widget.find 42
>> version = widget.versions[-2]    # assuming widget has several versions
>> previous = version.previous
>> next =

You can find out which of an item's versions yours is:

>> current_version_number = version.index    # 0-based

Finally, if you got an item by reifying one of its versions, you can navigate back to the version it came from:

>> latest_version = Widget.find(42).versions.last
>> widget = latest_version.reify
>> widget.version == latest_version    # true

You can find out whether a model instance is the current, live one -- or whether it came instead from a previous version -- with live?:

>> widget = Widget.find 42
>>                        # true
>> widget = widget.versions.last.reify
>>                        # false

Finding Out Who Was Responsible For A Change

If your ApplicationController has a current_user method, PaperTrail will store the value it returns in the version's whodunnit column. Note that this column is a string so you will have to convert it to an integer if it's an id and you want to look up the user later on:

>> last_change = Widget.versions.last
>> user_who_made_the_change = User.find last_change.whodunnit.to_i

You may want PaperTrail to call a different method to find out who is responsible. To do so, override the user_for_paper_trail method in your controller like this:

class ApplicationController
  def user_for_paper_trail
    logged_in? ? current_member : 'Public user'  # or whatever

In a migration or in script/console you can set who is responsible like this:

>> PaperTrail.whodunnit = 'Andy Stewart'
>> widget.update_attributes :name => 'Wibble'
>> widget.versions.last.whodunnit              # Andy Stewart

N.B. A version's whodunnit records who changed the object causing the version to be stored. Because a version stores the object as it looked before the change (see the table above), whodunnit returns who stopped the object looking like this -- not who made it look like this. Hence whodunnit is aliased as terminator.

To find out who made a version's object look that way, use version.originator. And to find out who made a "live" object look like it does, use originator on the object.

>> widget = Widget.find 153                    # assume widget has 0 versions
>> PaperTrail.whodunnit = 'Alice'
>> widget.update_attributes :name => 'Yankee'
>> widget.originator                           # 'Alice'
>> PaperTrail.whodunnit = 'Bob'
>> widget.update_attributes :name => 'Zulu'
>> widget.originator                           # 'Bob'
>> first_version, last_version = widget.versions.first, widget.versions.last
>> first_version.whodunnit                     # 'Alice'
>> first_version.originator                    # nil
>> first_version.terminator                    # 'Alice'
>> last_version.whodunnit                      # 'Bob'
>> last_version.originator                     # 'Alice'
>> last_version.terminator                     # 'Bob'

Custom Version Classes

Not needed when using Mongoid


Handled by Mongoid as everything is just a document

Has-One Associations

Handled by Mongoid ?

Has-Many-Through Associations

Handled by Mongoid ?

Storing metadata

You can store arbitrary model-level metadata alongside each version like this:

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :author
  has_paper_trail :meta => { :author_id  => { |article| article.author_id },
                             :word_count => :count_words,
                             :answer     => 42 }
  def count_words

Hmm.. In Mongo you can always add extra fields to the data stored for a record - flexible schema!

Diffing Versions

Just compare the JSON - done internally by Mongoid when doing == ?

Turning PaperTrail Off/On

Sometimes you don't want to store changes. Perhaps you are only interested in changes made by your users and don't need to store changes you make yourself in, say, a migration -- or when testing your application.

You can turn PaperTrail on or off in three ways: globally, per request, or per class.


On a global level you can turn PaperTrail off like this:

>> PaperTrail.enabled = false

For example, you might want to disable PaperTrail in your Rails application's test environment to speed up your tests. This will do it:

# in config/environments/test.rb
config.after_initialize do
  PaperTrail.enabled = false

If you disable PaperTrail in your test environment but want to enable it for specific tests, you can add a helper like this to your test helper:

# in test/test_helper.rb
def with_versioning
  was_enabled = PaperTrail.enabled?
  PaperTrail.enabled = true
    PaperTrail.enabled = was_enabled

And then use it in your tests like this:

test "something that needs versioning" do
  with_versioning do
    # your test

Per request

You can turn PaperTrail on or off per request by adding a paper_trail_enabled_for_controller method to your controller which returns true or false:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def paper_trail_enabled_for_controller
    request.user_agent != 'Disable User-Agent'

Per class

If you are about change some widgets and you don't want a paper trail of your changes, you can turn PaperTrail off like this:

>> Widget.paper_trail_off

And on again like this:

>> Widget.paper_trail_on

Deleting Old Versions

Over time your versions table will grow to an unwieldy size. Because each version is self-contained (see the Diffing section above for more) you can simply delete any records you don't want any more. For example:

sql> delete from versions where created_at < 2010-06-01;

>> Version.delete_all ["created_at < ?", 1.week.ago]


Rails 3

  1. Install PaperTrail as a gem via your Gemfile:

    gem 'paper_trail', '~> 2'

  2. Generate a migration which will add a versions table to your database.

    bundle exec rails generate paper_trail:install

  3. Run the migration.

    bundle exec rake db:migrate

  4. Add has_paper_trail to the models you want to track.

Rails 2

Please see the rails2 branch.


PaperTrail uses Bundler to manage its dependencies (in development and testing). You can run the tests with bundle exec rake test. (You may need to bundle install first.)


Keep a Paper Trail with PaperTrail, Linux Magazine, 16th September 2009.


Please use GitHub's issue tracker.


Many thanks to:


Intellectual Property

Copyright (c) 2011 Andy Stewart ( Released under the MIT licence.


Papertrail for mongoid







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