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Demo to persist data in cosmos DB from Azure VM using user managed identity with RBAC role

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Persist Data to Cosmos DB from Azure VM Using User Managed Identity

Developers at Mystique Unicorn are using priveleged identity to persist data to Cosmos DB. They would like to use User Managed Identity to persist data to Cosmos DB. Can you help them?

🎯 Solution

Azure offers user managed identity to be used with azure and non azure(aka on prem) resources. In this article, we will explore how to use user managed identity to persist data to Cosmos DB from Azure VM.

Miztiik Automaton: Persist Data to Cosmos DB from Azure VM Using User Managed Identity

  1. 🧰 Prerequisites

    This demo, instructions, scripts and bicep template is designed to be run in westeurope. With few or no modifications you can try it out in other regions as well(Not covered here).

  2. ⚙️ Setting up the environment

    • Get the application code
      cd azure-vm-to-cosmos-db
  3. 🚀 Prepare the environment

    Let check you have Azure Cli working with

      # You should have azure cli preinstalled
      az account show

    You should see an output like this,

       "environmentName": "AzureCloud",
       "homeTenantId": "16b30820b6d3",
       "id": "1ac6fdbff37cd9e3",
       "isDefault": true,
       "managedByTenants": [],
       "name": "YOUR-SUBS-NAME",
       "state": "Enabled",
       "tenantId": "16b30820b6d3",
       "user": {
         "name": "miztiik@",
         "type": "user"
  4. 🚀 Deploying the application

    • Stack: Main Bicep The params required for the modules are in params.json. Do modify them to suit your need.(Especially the adminPassword.secureString for the VM. You are strongly encouraged to Just-In-Time access or use SSH key instead of password based authentication). The helper deployment script will deploy the main.bicep file. This will create the following resoureces

      • Resource Group(RG)
      • VNet, Subnet & Virtual Machine
      • Virtual Machine(Ubuntu)
        • Bootstrapped with custom libs using userData script.
      • Appl Configuration
        • COSMOS_DB_ACCOUN_NAME - Name of the cosmos DB Account
        • COSMOS_DB_NAME - Name of the cosmos DB
        • COSMOS_DB_CONTAINER_NAME - Name of the cosmos DB Containe
      • User Managed Identity
        • Monitoring Metrics Publisher role assigned to the
        • Permission to read and write data to Cosmos DB
        • Identity attached to the VM

      Note - I hacked the template from another repo of mine, so you will see some unused resources(log analytics workspace/queues etc.,). You can safely ignore them, But do remember to clean up your Resource Group to avoid unnecessary costs.


      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Resource Groups/Deployments section for the resources.

  5. 🔬 Testing the solution

    • Connect to the VM

      The Ubuntu vm should be bootstrapped using userData to install python3, git and also Azure Idenity initialized.

      • Connect to the using using Just-In-Time access.
        • The bootstrap code should have clone this repo to /var/azure-vm-to-cosmos-db, If not clone the repo.
      • The script expects the following environment variable. In production, you probabaly want to store these in App configuration
    • Initiate Event Generation & Ingestion

      # ssh miztiik@publicIP
      # cd /var/
      # git clone
      # cd azure-vm-to-cosmos-db
      python3 /var/azure-vm-to-cosmos-db/app/ &

      If everything goes all right, you should see messages like below. You can also check the logs at /var/log/miztiik-store-events-2023-04-17.json

       INFO:root:Blob sales_events/event_type=sale_event/dt=2023_05_10/1683746549000636.json uploaded successfully
       INFO:root:Document with id ab0655fd-28bb-4a48-9d54-481603a1aa11 written to CosmosDB successfully
          "request_id": "d22f1f6a-e645-4cad-a368-7cad99d9c02f",
          "store_id": 6,
          "store_fqdn": "",
          "store_ip": "",
          "cust_id": 918,
          "category": "Camera",
          "sku": 39156,
          "price": 53.78,
          "qty": 23,
          "discount": 7.6,
          "gift_wrap": true,
          "variant": "black",
          "priority_shipping": true,
          "ts": "2023-05-10T19:22:34.028842",
          "contact_me": ""
       INFO:root:Blob sales_events/event_type=inventory_event/dt=2023_05_10/1683746554029194.json uploaded successfully
       INFO:root:Document with id d22f1f6a-e645-4cad-a368-7cad99d9c02f written to CosmosDB successfully
       INFO:root: {"resp":{"status": true, "tot_msgs": 10, "bad_msgs": 2, "sale_evnts": 7, "inventory_evnts": 3, "tot_sales": 510.67999999999995}} 

      Upon successful execution, You should receive 200 response code from the endpoint. If you navigate to the portal, You should see the metrics in the dashboard..

      Miztiik Automaton: Persist Data to Cosmos DB from Azure VM Using User Managed Identity

  6. 📒 Conclusion

    Here we have demonstrated persist data to cosmos db using custom idenetity.

  7. 🧹 CleanUp

If you want to destroy all the resources created by the stack, Execute the below command to delete the stack, or you can delete the stack from console as well

# Delete from resource group
az group delete --name Miztiik_Enterprises_xxx --yes
# Follow any on-screen prompt

This is not an exhaustive list, please carry out other necessary steps as maybe applicable to your needs.

📌 Who is using this

This repository aims to show how to Bicep to new developers, Solution Architects & Ops Engineers in Azure.

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📚 References

  1. Azure Docs: Just In Time Access

🏷️ Metadata


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Demo to persist data in cosmos DB from Azure VM using user managed identity with RBAC role







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