- Rescue system in the admin panel;
- Reboot your system;
- Login back to your server then installimage;
- Choose your desired OS and version;
- In the next page, set SWRAIDLEVEL to 0
- Change the hostname if you want;
- F10 to save, YES, YES;
- Wait the installation;
- Reboot
Boom, raid 0.
(Credits: lyk0z#6455)
sudo su
sudo useradd -m geth
cd /home/geth
wget https://github.com/binance-chain/bsc/releases/download/v1.1.4/geth_linux
chmod +x geth_linux
echo "./geth_linux --config ./config.toml --datadir ./mainnet --cache 18000 --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs --txlookuplimit 0 --http --maxpeers 100 --ws --syncmode=snap --snapshot=false" > start.sh
chmod +x start.sh
apt install unzip
wget https://github.com/binance-chain/bsc/releases/download/v1.1.4/mainnet.zip
unzip mainnet.zip
./geth_linux --datadir mainnet init genesis.json
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/geth.service
Then paste the following;
Description=BSC Full Node
ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/geth/start.sh
After that;
chown -R geth.geth /home/geth/*
systemctl enable geth
systemctl start geth
tail -f /home/geth/mainnet/bsc.log
./geth_linux attach http://localhost:8545 --exec eth.syncing
systemctl stop geth
cd /home/geth
./geth_linux snapshot prune-state --datadir ./mainnet
chown -R geth.geth ./mainnet
systemctl start geth
The all procedures was written by PhatJay#4958.