Actor based representation of ocpp chargers. Can be run standalone against Central System as ordinary charger.
It now also supports OCPP-J (OCPP over WebSocket with JSON) but it does not support receiving incoming requests this way, and does a blocking wait on the responses from the central system. This happens because we implemented the OCPP-SOAP API on top of the JSON API. If the package were refactored to use the JSON API natively it could be more functional and performant.
Add this repository to your pom.xml:
<repository> <id>thenewmotion</id> <name>The New Motion Repository</name> <url></url> </repository>
Add dependency to your pom.xml:
<dependency> <groupId>com.thenewmotion.chargenetwork</groupId> <artifactId>ocpp-charger_2.10</artifactId> <version>2.6.1</version> </dependency>
Compile & run with sbt run
See the source file src/main/scala/com/thenewmotion/chargenetwork/ocpp/charger/ChargerApp.scala for the different options.
Options can be passed using the a -Dexec.args="..."
option to Maven, like this:
sbt "run --connection-type soap http://localhost:8080/ocpp/"
sbt "run --connection-type json http://localhost:8080/ocppws/"
with basic authentication (ocpp-json only):
sbt "run --id 01234567 --auth-password abcdef1234abcdef1234abcdef1234abcdef1234 ws://localhost:8017/ocppws/"
with basic authentication and a specific ssl certificate (ocpp-json only):
sbt "run --id 01234567 --auth-password abcdef1234abcdef1234abcdef1234abcdef1234 --keystore-file ./trust.jks --keystore-password my-beautiful-password wss://"
The password is given in a hex-encoded form. If you have a plain text password, you can quickly encode it in hex as follows:
$ scala [13:19:11]
Welcome to Scala 2.12.1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_51).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> "mypasswordof20chars!".getBytes("US-ASCII").map("%02x".format(_)).mkString
res1: String = 6d7970617373776f72646f663230636861727321
© 2012 - 2017 The New Motion B.V. Licensed under the terms of the GPL version 3.