Provide support for Slack-style user @-mentions
meteor add mooch:user-mentions
Exposes a global variable UserMentions
including three functions and three
React components.
* Takes a string and returns an array of user objects corresponding to the
* @-mentions in the string.
* @param {String} text - The text to search for @-mentions
* @return {Object[]} The array of users corresponding to the @-mentions in the text
function getMentionedUsers(text) {
return getMentions(text).map(mention => Meteor.users.findOne({
username: mention.slice(1),
* Takes an input element and returns the last word from its value.
* @param {HTMLInputElement} - The HTML input element to get the last word from
* @return {String} The last word of the value of the input element
function getLastWordTyped(inputElem) {
const cursorPosition = inputElem.selectionStart;
const textBeforeCursor = inputElem.value.slice(0, cursorPosition).trim();
const lastWord = textBeforeCursor.substr(
textBeforeCursor.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1
return lastWord;
* Takes a string containing @-mentions and returns the text with the mentions
* converted into links to the corresponding users' profiles.
* @param {String} text - The text in which to process @-mentions
* @return {String} The text with the mentions converted into profile links
function processMentions(text) {
return createMentionLinks(
An input box which renders user mention suggestions.
propTypes: {
className: React.PropTypes.string,
onChange: React.PropTypes.func,
onKeyDown: React.PropTypes.func,
placeholder: React.PropTypes.string,
style: React.PropTypes.object,
users: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(Object).isRequired,
contextTypes: {
user: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
Renders a list of user mention suggestions
propTypes: {
activeUser: React.PropTypes.number,
selectUser: React.PropTypes.func,
users: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(Object).isRequired,
Renders a single user mention suggestion
propTypes: {
className: React.PropTypes.string,
selectUser: React.PropTypes.func,
user: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,