Apama EPL plugin for generating random numbers for statistical applications
This works with Apama or later
To build the plugin run the following command from an Apama command prompt on Linux:
mkdir -p $APAMA_WORK/lib $APAMA_WORK/monitors
g++ -std=c++17 -o $APAMA_WORK/lib/librandom.so -I$APAMA\_HOME/include -L$APAMA_HOME/lib -lapclient -shared -fPIC plugin/random.cpp
cp plugin/eventdefinitions/RandomPlugin.mon $APAMA_WORK/monitors/RandomPlugin.mon
On Windows run this command:
g++ -std=c++17 -o %APAMA_WORK%\lib\librandom.so -I%APAMA_HOME%\include -L%APAMA_HOME%\lib -lapclient -shared -fPIC plugin\random.cpp
copy plugin\eventdefinitions\RandomPlugin.mon %APAMA_WORK%\monitors\RandomPlugin.mon
To generate the Apama documentation for the RandomPlugin module run this command on Linux:
java -jar $APAMA_HOME/lib/ap-generate-apamadoc.jar plugin/doc plugin/eventdefinitions
Or on Windows:
java -jar %APAMA_HOME%\lib\ap-generate-apamadoc.jar plugin\doc plugin\eventdefinitions
There is a provided Dockerfile which will build the plugin, run tests and produce an image which is your base image, plus the CSV plugin. Application images can then be built from this image. To build the image run:
docker build -t apama_with_random_plugin .
By default the public docker images from Docker Store for 10.3 will be used (once 10.3 has been released). To use another version run:
docker build -t apama_with_random_plugin --build-arg APAMA_VERSION=10.1 .
To use custom images from your own repository then use:
docker build -t apama_with_random_plugin --build-arg APAMA_BUILDER=builderimage --build-arg APAMA_IMAGE=runtimeimage .
To run the tests for the plugin you will need to use an Apama command prompt, then run the tests from within the tests directory:
pysys run
To use the plugin first inject RandomPlugin.mon, then use the static methods on the RandomPlugin
class to create a Generator
instance which you can use to get values from the sequence:
com.apamax.random.Generator g := com.apamax.random.RandomPlugin.createUniformIntGenerator(3, 17);
integer r1 := <integer> g.generate();
integer r2 := <integer> g.generate();
This will get you a randomly seeded generator. If you want reproducible sequences from a specified seed, call setSeed()
on the generator before generating any values.
There are various convenience functions usch as the createUniformIntGenerator
used above for creating common sequences. Full access to all of the options for both sources of random data and distributions can be had using the createGenerator
method and the various constants on RandomPlugin
. For example:
using com.apamax.random.Generator;
Generator g := RandomPlugin.createGenerator(RandomPlugin.SOURCE_MERSIENNE, RandomPlugin.OUTPUT_FLOAT, RandomPlugin.DIST_NORMAL, [<any> 10.0, <any> 1.0]); // mean and stdev of sequence
float r1 := <float> g.generate();
float r2 := <float> g.generate();
For more details on the available convenience functions, sources, distributions and outputs consult the API documentation for RandomPlugin.