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MCMC f90 library

Marko Laine 2012 <>

Copyrights licensed under a MIT License.
See the accompanying LICENSE.txt file for terms.

This fortran 90 library can be used to do Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation from a posterior distribution of unknown model parameters defined by a likelihood function and prior. The likelihood is given as “sum-of-squares” difference of observed values from modelled values. This is typically something like sum((data-model)**2), which then corresponds to -2*log(p(ydata|parameters)).

The code uses random walk Metropolis-Hastings with multivariate Gaussian proposal and does adaptation according to Adaptive Metropolis, AM or DRAM.

The user written sum-of-squares function returns -2*log(p(obs|theta))
     function ssfunction(theta,npar,ny)
       integer*4 npar, ny
       real*8 theta(npar), ssfunction(ny)
     end function ssfunction
  end interface

The optional prior function returns -2*log(p(theta))

   function priorfun(theta,len)
     integer*4 len
     real*8 theta(len), priorfun
   end function priorfun
end interface

Minimal main program to be linked with the library and the ssfunction (and priorfun) is:

program mcmcmain
  call mcmc_main()
end program mcmcmain

Parameter bounds can be checked with

   function checkbounds(theta)
     real*8 theta(:)
     logical checkbounds
   end function checkbounds
end interface

which returns .false. if theta must be rejected due to bounds or other prior constraints.

Initial parameter values are read from an ASCII file mcmcpar.dat and initial proposal covariance matrix from mcmccov.dat. If observation error variance parameter sigma^2 is to be sampled using a Gibbs sampler with a conjugate prior, then the initial values for sigma2 and the number of observations n is read from mcmcsigma2.dat.

The chain is saved to a file that defaults to chain.dat. The last column tells how many times this row is repeated, so you need to expand the matrix for further calculations. Similarly for sschain.dat. The file s2chain.dat, if generated, is not compressed this way, however.

The run time parameters for the MCMC run are read from a fortran namelist mcmcinit.nml. See the supplied mcmcinit.nml for an example.

Here is a figure illustrating some of the parameters related to adaptation and burn-in.

          1 +-------------+
            |             |
            |             |
            |             |
            |             |
            |             |
            |             |
   adaptint +-------------+ Greedy adapt or scale, greedy = 1, scale*= 
            |             |   (maybe use badaptint if > 0)
 burnintime +-------------+ Burnin scaling to this time if doburnin=1
            |             |
           /|             |
adapthist < |             |
           \|             |
   adaptint +-------------+ Adapt if doadapt=1
            |             |  uses chain from end of burnin to current index
            |             |  or history 'adaphist' steps back
            |             |
           /|             |
adapthist < |             |
           \|             |
   adaptint +-------------+ Adapt if doadapt=1 
            |             | adaptation ends at 'adaptend'
            |             |
            |             |
            |             |
            |             |
      nsimu +-------------+ 

Error variance prior: if updatesigma = 1 then Gibbs sampling is done for error variance sigma^2, with prior given as 1/sigma^2 ~ Gamma(N0/2,2/Nobs/S02), where S02 and N0 are given in mcmcinit.nml. This probably makes sense only for Gaussian error model, so with a strict sum-of-squares type likelihood.

See the file INSTALL.txt for short installation instructions.

This code comes with no warranty and with minimal documentation. Please read the source code for details of the algorithms used. Question and suggestions are welcome. If you find the code useful, it would be kind to acknowledge me in your research articles.

Happy mcmc’ing,
Marko Laine <>


Fortran library for MCMC calculations







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