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TNT4J transaction & method tracing streams for java


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TNT4J transaction & method tracing streams for Java.

TNT4J-Streams-Zorka is extension of TNT4J-Streams to give ability of streaming Zorka traces as activity events to JKoolCloud.

TNT4J-Streams-Zorka is under LGPLv3 license as Zorka itself.

This document covers just information specific to TNT4J-Streams-Zorka project. Detailed information on TNT4J-Streams can be found at (

Importing TNT4J-Streams-Zorka project into IDE


  • Select File->Import...->Maven->Existing Maven Projects
  • Click 'Next'
  • In 'Root directory' field select path of directory where You have downloaded (checked out from git) TNT4J-Streams project
  • Click 'OK'
  • Dialog fills in with project modules details
  • Click 'Finish'

Running TNT4J-Streams-Zorka

Also see ( chapter 'Running TNT4J-Streams'.

TNT4J-Streams-Zorka can be run:

  • As standalone application
    • write streams configuration file. See 'Streams configuration' chapter for more details
    • configure Your loggers
    • use bin/tnt4j-streams.bat or bin/ to run standalone application
  • As API integrated into Your product
    • Write streams configuration file. See 'Streams configuration' chapter for more details
    • use StreamsAgent.runFromAPI(configFileName) in your code


Running samples

When release assembly is built samples are located in samples directory i.e. ../build/tnt4j-streams-zorka/tnt4j-streams-zorka-1.0.0/samples. To run desired sample:

  • go to sample directory
  • run run.bat or depending on Your OS

For more detailed explanation of streams and parsers configuration and usage see chapter 'Configuring TNT4J-Streams-Zorka' and JavaDocs.

Zorka Connector

This sample shows how to stream activity events from Zorka produced traces data. Zorka connector connect to Zico service as listener (client) depending on defined configuration. Default is localhost:8640. Most basic way to use sample is to send Http request to Zorka monitored Tomcat server.

Sample files can be found in samples/ZorkaConnector directory.

How to use and configure Zorka, see samples/ZorkaConnector/

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="ZorkaHTTP" class="com.jkool.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser" tags="HTTP">
        <field name="StartTime" locator="CLOCK" datatype="Timestamp" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="MARKER" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="METHOD_TIME" datatype="Number" format="###########0" units="Nanoseconds"
        <field name="Class" locator="CLASS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Method" locator="METHOD" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Correlator" locator="JK_CORR_RID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="JK_CORR_SID" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="HdrIn__host" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="URI" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="STATUS" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="STATUS" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Tag" separator=",">
            <field-locator locator="HdrIn__cookie" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="HdrIn__user-agent" locator-type="Label"/>

    <parser name="ZorkaSQL" class="com.jkool.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser" tags="SQL">
        <field name="EventType" value="CALL"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="MARKER" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="CLOCK" datatype="Timestamp" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="ERROR" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="YES" target="ERROR"/>
            <field-map source="" target="SUCCESS"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="METHOD_TIME" datatype="Number" format="###########0" units="Nanoseconds"
        <field name="Class" locator="CLASS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Method" locator="METHOD" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Exception" locator="EXCEPTION" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Correlator" locator="JK_CORR_RID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="JK_CORR_SID" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Message" separator=",">
            <field-locator locator="SQL" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="DB" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Tag" locator="MARKER" locator-type="Label"/>

    <parser name="ZorkaLDAP" class="com.jkool.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser" tags="LDAP">
        <field name="EventType" value="CALL"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="CLOCK" datatype="Timestamp" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="MARKER" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="METHOD_TIME" datatype="Number" format="###########0" units="Nanoseconds"
        <field name="Class" locator="CLASS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Method" locator="METHOD" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Correlator" locator="JK_CORR_RID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="JK_CORR_SID" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Message" separator=",">
            <field-locator locator="FILTER" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="DC" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="NAME" locator-type="Label"/>

    <parser name="ZorkaWebService" class="com.jkool.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser"
        <field name="EventType" value="CALL"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="CLOCK" datatype="Timestamp" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="MARKER" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="METHOD_TIME" datatype="Number" format="###########0" units="Nanoseconds"
        <field name="Class" locator="CLASS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Method" locator="METHOD" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Correlator" locator="JK_CORR_RID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="JK_CORR_SID" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Message" separator=",">
            <field-locator locator="SOAP_ACTION" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="SOAP_METHOD" locator-type="Label"/>

    <parser name="ZorkaJMS" class="com.jkool.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser" tags="JMS_TNT4J_STREAMS_TRACKER">
        <field name="EventType" value="CALL"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="CLOCK" datatype="Timestamp" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="MARKER" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="METHOD_TIME" datatype="Number" format="###########0" units="Nanoseconds"
        <field name="Class" locator="CLASS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Method" locator="METHOD" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Correlator" locator="JK_CORR_RID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="JK_CORR_SID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="CORRELATION" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Message" separator=",">
            <field-locator locator="TEXT" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="PRIORITY" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="EXPIRATION" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="PERSIST" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="REDELIVERY" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="FileStream" class="com.jkool.tnt4j.streams.inputs.ZorkaConnector">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <!--<property name="Host" value="localhost"/>-->
        <!--<property name="Port" value="8640"/>-->

        <parser-ref name="ZorkaHTTP"/>
        <parser-ref name="ZorkaSQL"/>
        <parser-ref name="ZorkaLDAP"/>
        <parser-ref name="ZorkaWebService"/>
        <parser-ref name="ZorkaJMS"/>

Stream configuration states that ZorkaConnector referencing parsers ZorkaHTTP, ZorkaSQL, ZorkaLDAP, ZorkaWebService and ZorkaJMS shall be used.

ZorkaConnector connects to Zico service as configured using Host and Port properties. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. ZorkaConnector transforms received Zorka trace entries to Map data structure and puts it to buffer queue to be processed by referenced parsers. Note that parsers uses attribute tags to map concrete parser with received trace over trace attribute MARKER.

ZorkaHTTP parser is used to fill activity event fields from HTTP trace attributes map data. HTTP trace marker is HTTP, thus parser tags value should be same.

ZorkaSQL parser is used to fill activity event fields from SQL trace attributes map data. SQL trace marker is SQL.

ZorkaLDAP parser is used to fill activity event fields from LDAP trace attributes map data. LDAP trace marker is LDAP.

ZorkaWebService parser is used to fill activity event fields from Web Service trace attributes map data. Web Service trace marker is WS_TNT4J_STREAMS_TRACKER.

ZorkaJMS parser is used to fill activity event fields from JMS trace attributes map data. JMS trace marker is JMS_TNT4J_STREAMS_TRACKER.

Activity event mapped fields:

  • EventType we set static value CALL
  • StartTime is mapped from trace attribute named CLOCK. Zorka returns this field as UNIX timestamp.
  • EventName is mapped from trace attribute named MARKER.
  • ElapsedTime is mapped from trace attribute named METHOD_TIME. Zorka returns this field as timestamp in nanoseconds.
  • Class is mapped from trace attribute named CLASS. It represents class name of object trace was taken from.
  • Method is mapped from trace attribute named METHOD. It represents method name trace was taken from.
  • Correlator is mapped from trace attributes named JK_CORR_RID, JK_CORR_SID and CORRELATION. JK_CORR_RID and JK_CORR_SID values are retrieved from initial Http request (see ContextTracker from TNT4J API). CORRELATION value is retrieved from JMS message field correlationId.
  • Message field may be mapped from different trace attribute values. If mapping is not defined in parser configuration then this field is filled with trace data as string.

Additional fields can be mapped on user demand.

Custom fields values defined in parser fields mapping can be found as activity event properties.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

Configuring TNT4J-Streams-Zorka

Details on TNT4J-Streams related configuration can be found at ( chapter 'Configuring TNT4J-Streams'.

Zorka connector parameters:

  • Host - host name of machine running Zico service to listen. Default value - localhost. (Optional)

  • Port - port number of machine running Zico service to listen. Default value - 8640. (Optional)


    <property name="Host" value=""/>
    <property name="Port" value="8645"/>

How to Build TNT4J-Streams


All other required dependencies are defined in project modules pom.xml files. If maven is running online mode it should download these defined dependencies automatically.

Manually installed dependencies

NOTE: If you have build and installed TNT4J-Streams into Your local maven repository, you dont need to install it manually.

Some of required and optional dependencies may be not available in public Maven Repository ( In this case we would recommend to download those dependencies manually into lib directory and install into local maven repository by running mvn install command. See lib\mvn-install.bat how to do this.

So what to download manually:

Download the above libraries and place into the tnt4j-streams-zorka/lib directory directory like this:



  • to build project run maven goals clean package
  • to make release assembly run maven goals clean package javadoc:aggregate install

Release assembly is built to ../build/tnt4j-streams-zorka directory.

NOTE: sometimes maven fails to correctly handle dependencies. If dependency configuration looks fine, but maven still complains about missing dependencies try to delete local maven repository by hand: i.e. delete contents of c:\Users\[username]\.m2\repository directory.

Running samples

See 'Running TNT4J-Streams-Zorka' chapter section 'Samples'.

Testing of TNT4J-Streams-Zorka


Testing using maven

Maven runs tests automatically while building project. To skip test phase add Maven parameter -Dmaven.test.skip=true or select 'Skip tests' UI element in your IDE 'Maven Run' configuration.

Running manually from IDE

  • in zorka module run JUnit test suite named AllZorkaTests


TNT4J transaction & method tracing streams for java







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