A crowdsourced market board aggregator.
- /api/:world/:item
- /api/history/:world/:item
- /api/extra/content/:contentID
- /api/extra/stats/upload-history
- /api/extra/stats/recently-updated
- /api/extra/stats/least-recently-updated
- /upload/:apiKey
Please see goat's ACT plugin for an example of how to collect and upload market board data.
Requires Node.js v10 or higher, PHP, MariaDB, Redis, Composer, and MongoDB Community Edition v4.2 or higher.
Also build a DataExports using SaintCoinach (Overview TODO)
Uncomment/add in php.ini:
MariaDB commands:
CREATE USER 'dalamud'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'dalamud';
Setup script:
npm install -g yarn
npm install
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd mogboard
git submodule init
git submodule update
composer install
php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
php bin/console PopulateGameDataCommand -vvv
yarn dev
symfony server:start -vvv --port 8000
cd ..
npm run build
npm start
Listings upload format (JSON):
worldID: number;
itemID: number;
uploaderID: string | number;
listings: [{
listingID: string;
hq: boolean;
materia?: ItemMateria[];
pricePerUnit: number;
quantity: number;
total?: number;
retainerID: string;
retainerName: string;
retainerCity: number;
creatorName?: string;
onMannequin?: boolean;
sellerID: string;
creatorID?: string;
lastReviewTime: number;
stainID?: number;
History upload format (JSON):
worldID: number;
itemID: number;
uploaderID: number | string;
entries: [{
hq: boolean;
pricePerUnit: number;
quantity: number;
total?: number;
buyerName: string;
timestamp: number;
onMannequin?: boolean;
sellerID: string;
Crafter upload format (JSON):
contentID: number;
characterName: string;